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Advice on buying or renting a campervan for my WHV


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Hi guys, me and my gf are heading to Melbourne in late Feb 2017 to begin our WHV, we are undecided wether to buy/rent a campervan or stay in b&b's.

I'm personally favouring the campervan as I imagine the b&b's will eat up too much of our funds.

I've read a few posts about people choosing to rent one over buying because it's a lot less hassle if they break down or get into an accident. Bearing in mind I've no idea when it comes to mechanics! Can anyone advise which would be best for us.

We are planning on getting to Melbourne, spending two weeks in the city, then moving further inland either renting a campervan or getting a bus to a motel and looking for farming/fruit picking work in the Victoria region.

After a couple of months we'll be moving up the east coast working along the way then I'd like to be back in Sydney for NY

Any advise or recommendations would be much appreciated guys



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If you have no mechanical knowledge renting rather than buying would be the adviseable option.


If you are staying in a town and doing farm/picking work, you are going to need your own transport. These places are often quite a distance from town with no public transport.

Occasionally you will find transport provided between a backpackers hostel and employment but having your own transport gives you more options.

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Hi guys, me and my gf are heading to Melbourne in late Feb 2017 to begin our WHV, we are undecided wether to buy/rent a campervan or stay in b&b's.

I'm personally favouring the campervan as I imagine the b&b's will eat up too much of our funds.

I've read a few posts about people choosing to rent one over buying because it's a lot less hassle if they break down or get into an accident. Bearing in mind I've no idea when it comes to mechanics! Can anyone advise which would be best for us.

We are planning on getting to Melbourne, spending two weeks in the city, then moving further inland either renting a campervan or getting a bus to a motel and looking for farming/fruit picking work in the Victoria region.

After a couple of months we'll be moving up the east coast working along the way then I'd like to be back in Sydney for NY

Any advise or recommendations would be much appreciated guys




I think you might find it costs more to rent a camper than staying in hostels & my understanding is rural work often includes accommodation anyway.


Although petrol is cheaper in Australia bear in mind a campervan tends to guzzle fuel so that would be an additional cost on top of the hire plus some have limited mileage and it starts to cost per mile once you reach that.


We're just back from a three week road trip in the US and I loved the freedom of a campervan but a hire car/motels would have been half the cost so work it out carefully.


Rather than buying a campervan why not buy a station wagon - you'll be able to get a much more reliable one for the same cost and then buy a tent. You can sleep in B&B's/hostels/motels when it suits but have the option to go off the beaten track and sleep out should the mood (or funds) dictate.


Join the RAC if you are really nervous about break downs.

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A further thought - if you rent then either you take out really expensive insurances or you risk being out of pocket for a breakdown/accident. Cosmetic damage can end up costing you dearly but if you buy a vehicle that isn't much of a worry.


Even things like tyres/windscreens or malicious damage is your responsibility unless you take out additional insurance against it.

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