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Anyone moved to Brisbane from Melbourne to help with controlling asthma?


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2 out of my 3 children suffer from chronic asthma? Has anyone from Melbourne or Sydney moved to Brisbane for asthma reasons and seen an improvement? My kids are 1 and 6. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks :wink:


There are numerous asthma triggers, one is humidity, so asthma could get worse. I think there is really no way of knowing unless you have a very good understanding of your children's particular triggers.

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Get some professional advice and/ or come on an extended holiday. Since moving to Brisbane from the UK a year ago, I have been astonished at the number of people here suffering with asthma. Friends of my children are often off school with asthma or complications from asthma; colleagues are often off sick with it. They report that it is very much worse when there is a change in the weather. It will depend upon the triggers for your children but I would be surprised if you see a big improvement that would merit moving states.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest The Pom Queen

We moved from Melbourne to Cairns and my husband gets less hay fever and me less asthma attacks. Mine tends to be triggered by the cold.

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They both suffer from seasonal asthma. As soon as its a nice warm day an then the next day is wet and cold they both get asthma/croup. Also the pollen contributes to it also


Hopefully it can be managed with preventer asthma meds and then if need be, reliever inhalers. Preventers should do their job if taken on a daily basis and if they are not then perhaps the dosage needs to be increased in the winter/cooler months.


Seasonal asthma is something quite a lot of kids grow out of. My son used to suffer it, would suffer asthma bouts when he had a viral infection or some such. As he's gotten older those have eased off and he's much improved. Rarely needs an inhaler now.


I also suffer from asthma and over time have managed it well but have regular reviews to ensure I am on the best dosage/inhaler tyles for my present situation and time of year etc. Often in summer I use far less than I do in winter but increasing the preventer asthma meds makes a difference then. Same with using a longer lasting reliever over the shorter term ones.

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