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Tasmania Island State

Guest Lamb Chop Lassie

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Guest Lamb Chop Lassie

For those who have yet to make up their minds - you may not have learned about Tassie as most TV series are filmed on the mainland.


It is not as hot as on the mainland - but hotter than UK, more like the south of France and we grow grapes and our vegies are the best in the world. :lol:


For example today where I live on the North Coast of the Island it is 21c and that is lovely and warm with a sea breeze.


Have a peek at this - you can navigate around and also see video's of bits of the Island - that really only make even myself who lives here go again.




It has jobs and lots of other information.


Put us on your list.


Houses are cheaper than on the mainland as not so hot - some migrants dont like cooler weather in winter as hotter is more like their home which hasnt put the demand up so high as say Sydney,Melbourne or Brisbane but English/European people love Tassie and lots of us down here, also many ex military too.


Can always cosy up to a woodfire and we have clean green electricity off a Hydro electric scheme so no nuclear power stns for us ever, also have cleanest air in the world at Stanley on the NW Coast documented.


Means I have never had to clean off my hoist when putting out the washing as I did in every other state, even though we ourselves run a woodfire in winter along with gas and electric off peak storage heaters. Cosy in winter, not sweating and needing to run from airconditioned car to aircon house or aircon work if lucky in summer.


Most of the people who are moving down to Tassie are Aussie mainlanders who want to have a safer place for their kiddies, some even have their menfolk commute to Sydney to work. Sydney is they say a less family orientated place these days.


Lots of jobs going in Education, and Tradesmen of all trades in short supply, as well as building trades.


Many of those moving here set up their own business and if in IT well moany can work from home.


Have a look - warm enough for a backyard swimming pool too as anyone who comes out from UK wants to have, we did, these days wouldnt give you a thankyou but had to do it for ourselves to start with. :lol:

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