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Looking to meet new people in Melbourne, sports and social activities.

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I'm all settled into Melbourne with my partner and looking to make some new friends. I'm 31 and keen on most sports. Would love to meet some people for either a kick around or cycling or going climbing. Does anyone have any advice for finding social groups around the city? Or even other blokes to go for a few beers with

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Dave, my Mrs and I are in Melbourne at the end of march for 9 days on a reccie of the place, I know a potential meet wouldn't help you in the long run (until we make the move at least :laugh:) but it would be decent to have a beer with you when we are there! I'm 28 and shes 24 so the ages would work, I'm not playing lawn bowls just yet!

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  • 2 months later...

A lot of clubs look for footie players ( aussie rules) and also there's soccer. When I was younger I used to be in a lapidiary club and they went fossicking around the state for gemstones etc. Service clubs of course, though not so popular as they used to be.

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