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Labour Market Testing (457 VISA)

Nick UK

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Dear all


My proposed employer recently had the Nomination stage refused due to LMT. Apparently they don't tend to actually advertise positions formally, rather preferring to fill roles based on word of mouth or recommendations. Given this fact, will it be basically be impossible for them to satisfy the LMT requirements and as such not be able to achieve a positive nomination?


Best regards


Edited by Nick UK
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Unless it is exempt from LMT, you will have to provide acceptable evidence of the market had been tested within 12 months prior the the nomination application, it is a mandatory requirement. NO actual advertising of the position, but 'through recommendations, word of mouth' will not be accepted. What is the nominated occupation?


Dear all


My proposed employer recently had the Nomination stage refused due to LMT. Apparently they don't tend to actually advertise positions formally, rather preferring to fill roles based on word of mouth or recommendations. Given this fact, will it be basically be impossible for them to satisfy the LMT requirements and as such not be able to achieve a positive nomination?


Best regards


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