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2nd year visa work total hours?


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Hi I know for the second year visa you need three months / 88 days of work to be eligible. But how many hours is classed as a day's work if it is say an 8 hour day and you work 12 hours have you technically done 1.5 days ?



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Nah, its 8 hours minimum per day to class it as a full day.... and only when you're working for more than one company. in-which each working day is counted (day's off are not included). Most farm jobs will get you working for 8 hours anyway, unless your contracting.


If you worked for one company, Technically you could work 1 day a week, for 3 months and have it signed off.


Its when you leave to go to a second company, those days off from the previous employer will not be counted... then you'll have to make up for all the weekends you had off.


to summaries -


1 employment - 3 months - 1st jan to 1st april




Multiple jobs - 88 full days. a full day is classed as 8 hours minimum.


I did banana farming through the night, (24 hour bananas) but starting at midnight and finishing late afternoon didn't get me more than a day.

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Thank you for your reply !


Okay so if I stayed at the same farm for example for three months no matter how many hours I worked I'd get my 88 days ?


Also, I'm going in January probably looking at doing farm/fruit picking work around March April time is there much going on then



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Yeh just edited mine Aswell thanks for that. Ah I see so when companies are saying 8-12 hours work they're only saying this because of the hourly rate you could earn it doesn't really count to your 3 month sign off. So you just did for example 1st Jan to 1st April and it was signed off no matter how many hours you worked or days in the week ?



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just be careful, because lets say, you're almost coming up to the end of your 3 months with the single employment and the fruiting has gone... therefore letting you go... you're going to be playing catch up, if you didn't work most days.


Record all your own working days too just incase.

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just be careful, because lets say, you're almost coming up to the end of your 3 months with the single employment and the fruiting has gone... therefore letting you go... you're going to be playing catch up, if you didn't work most days.


Record all your own working days too just incase.


Yeh I get you make sure you're in an employment that will see you out. I see advertisements stating 3 month periods so they'd be the best to go for in terms of security.


Thanks for that that has cleared up a lot for me I was under the impression no matter what you had to work 88 days even if you was in the same employment. So if you was lucky enough to stay employed for the three months and had a weekend off it wouldn't affect the three months because technically you're employed by them for that period



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yeah correct, the 88day rule only applies when working for more than one company, its best to work your a** off anyway, get as much savings + protect yourself incase you have to move jobs.


its a bit of a 50 50 of whether they'll have 3 months work for you, I'd say i was lucky.... but it was everyday people was leaving or getting sacked, or having no fruit to pick. Floods happen alot in the north like Tully and can be 2 m under water for a week.

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Yeh so don't take it for granted thinking you're there for three months if the weekends are offered take them just incase you are binned and don't want three months worth of weekends to catch up on !



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what kind of picking jobs are you looking at ? I can give you a bit of advice on that too


I don't really know to be honest. I am going with my Girlfriend who isn't the most physically strong of people but she works long days in restaurants etc. We are travelling in January going to have a bit of a holiday for a month or two then get into the farming after that so anytime after February or March any kind of job that will be eligible for our visa



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Stay away from Bin's (tomatos, citrus) kind of jobs, they are very hard work. and you will prob be working, $20 per filled bin, but might take you an hour n half to fill. Check out http://seasonalfoodguide.com/australia-general-seasonal-fresh-produce-guide-fruits-vegetables-in-season-availability.html


this is will give you an idea of how long fruits... fruit for... ie job durations


Do bananas in tully or innisfail. Men go out Humping, stringing, spading, bagging whilst women stay in the shed packing or de leafing in the paddocks


It is hard work for the guys, but u get used to it. Bananas can weigh up to 80kg+ but... I found it fun


Theres prob about 8 - 10 different farm owners in Tully, not too sure in Innisfail. Theres a caravan pack there, full of mostly backpackers, 2 hostels in the the road. everything walking distance.


Sometimes the hostel or caravan park will get you a job, but sometime you have to hit the street, when they're picking other workers up, to asked them if theres any work.


Get your farming done straight away if you're looking to do 2 years. It'll feel like a weight is lifted off your shoulders.

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