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Brisbane IT Recruitment recommendations?


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Hi all,


I have just made the move up to Brisbane from Melbourne and have recently commenced the job search. I am an experienced Senior Test Analyst and getting the run around from a couple of recruitment agents (nothing new there).


Does anyone have any contacts in recruitment or can recommend any agents that will be worthwhile firing my CV over to?


Many thanks,


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Hi Ben

I came up to Brisbane a few weeks ago to look for a job and managed to snag one and I am working here now. The money is totally c**p, but the other job I was shortlisted for was paying better than what I was getting in Melbourne, so not necessarily a local thing. But generally I was being offered lower salary.


I can recommend a couple of agency guys who were really good. They seem to know about a lot of local the companies and worked hard for me.

I am in App support, so they might not work in the testing space, but I am sure would refer you to somebody if not the case. In one of the agencies I spoke to 3 different guys and got 3 interviews.


If you pm me, I can let you know who they are. Send me a name and number so I can let them know I referred you. Not sure if these agencies do, but some will pay a bonus for a referral

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