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Rabies vaccination how long is it valid?


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We are hoping to make the move to NSW in February 2017. We are planning on bringing our dog with us. Well he is going to be staying with my parents until we are set up and settled and then they will send him over. We are planning on getting his rabies done before we leave and my parents will do all the other vet bits prior to him leaving. As we have no firm date of him leaving the UK my question is how long is the rabies valid for? Does he have to fly 180 days later or could in come out in 12 months say?


The whole flying pets things confuses me more than the visa for us did.


Any help appreciated


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You've posted this in the Pet Air section of the forum. Hopefully Bob from Pet Air will be along soon to reply.


If if you meant to address this to the forum in general you need to post in Pets.

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Apologies for the delay. Once you have the RNATT done you have to wait 180 days from the date of the blood test (assume the blood test date to be day '0'). The RNATT is valid for 2 years so there is a reasonable window within which to fly.



Thanks for clarifying Bob

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