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evidence and more evidence


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We got our invite on the 20th so getting last documents for applying for 189 visa.


I have asked before but its the thing worrying me most. My 19 year old daughters evidence of being dependant.

She starts college again in September so will have her letter from them confirming full time education and that she lives with us. We have had to pay for this course so we will have a receipt for that and we paid for all her equipment and uniform.

We have form 47a filled in.

She works part time in Mc donalds doing about 24 hours a week. Will we need to prove she couldnt live off this amount of money? We have receipts for ordering her clothes online showing we paid with our card. We have a letter showing she is included on our child tax credits still.


What other things will we need to provide? She is dependent on us but my head is working over drive with worry and so proving it seems difficult. Like will we need to show why she cant live with her real dad?? What she spends her money on if we pay for most things?


Secondly what sort of things can we use for evidence of defacto relationship? Joint bank account, do we need one dated 12 mths ago and one dated now?? Same with household bills. Will screen shots of pictures of us together from facebook dated over the year be ok?


Any help would be really appreciated, im a worry wort at the best of times. Thanks.

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