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Offical PTE Practice Exam


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I am wondering if anyone has taken the official PTE practice exam found here? - https://ptepractice.com/


I am wondering when you get your results, are they any different from the real exam please? Or do you get more precise information as to where marks have been lost?


If its not suitable can you recommend anything please? I would like to know the specifics on what I am doing wrong.



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Hi JetBlast my OH did the mock tests from the gold level PTE practice. He thinks they have been good as extra practice. Both times his speaking was 90, so that's odd seen as he got such a low score on the actual test in Wimbledon. His other scores have improved too. You get your results straight away, exactly the same score breakdown as what you get when you take the real test. Good luck for when you do your re-take :)

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