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hi - we are applying for a 189/190 visa on the back of my partners job (diesel fitter). He has the relevant qualifications and work experience however we are struggling to obtain references for the whole 10 years that he has been working (some companies are no longer in business and 2 jobs were for an employment agency who are telling us they can't provide references).

We have pay slips and P60's. I am just writing to ask if the TRA assessment is particularly strict when it comes to providing ALL of the documents for the whole 8 years, i.e do you need pay slips, P60's and references for all years or will they accept at least one of these docs to show that he was working. Surely if you're a diesel fitter for one company its a similar sort of job at another so detailing all the equipment used and jobs carried out for every position might not be crucial?? (or is it?!)


We are using Migrate me for our application however they seem quite reluctant to give any advice on this until all documents are submitted and they can look at it altogether. I just don't want to waste our time getting everything together if the lack of all 8 years references is going to mean we don't have a viable case to move.


many thanks for any advice.



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Hi Deepee,


I'm not sure it would be very professional of us to comment on another registered migration agent (RMA). I assume that they've been giving advice about Australia for at least four years judging by their MARN so they should know what they're doing.




George Lombard

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I'd have to agree with George - it is concerning to me that an agent is unwilling to answer questions of a client. To be blunt, if your agent is unwilling to answer questions, you may want to consider selecting another agent with a different policy regarding answering questions. There are a lot of very good registered migration agents out there, and there is absolutely no reason to settle for a lower level of service than what you expect and deserve.




Mark Northam

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fair enough - thanks for the response. I have sent through my partners CV and P60's and asked for some feedback but was told that once they have ALL of the information they will collate it all and let us know how it looks, so I'm just a bit reluctant to keep pestering them intermittently with questions until all info has been submitted. However at the same time, if its literally a case of missing references = no case, I don't see the point in pursuing things.


Also reluctant to just change agency as we have already paid the initial fee and I don't think it is all refundable if we are then found not to have a case or to change agency.



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once they have ALL of the information they will collate it all and let us know how it looks


This is not entirely unreasonable -. To be granted a particular visa an applicant must satisfy ALL the applicable criteria.


From what you have posted, whether there is enough verifiable, relevant work experience to proceed confidently is a matter that might require considerable analysis.

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