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differing migration company advice


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Hi please could you help us, we have been told by a migration company that my wife's qualifications (BA hons Psychology, PGCE and teaching experience) are suitable for a schedule 2 189 skilled visa, however at the same time we had applied to a second migration company who have advised us our only option would be an employer sponsored 457 visa.

Is this usual practice? Does anyone have experience of this or any advice for us please?

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Have you asked them to explain their reasoning ? Without knowing more information about you it is hard to tell who is right.


You can of course get some idea for yourself by looking on the government website and the State websites for 189 sponsorship information. Each State has their own list of occupations from the CSOL they will sponsor and some have additional conditions which can be hard to meet.

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Yes it is not uncommon to have different options put to you.


At this early stage you need to consider what your priorities are in terms of permanent migration versus temporary residence, where you would like to live and work (city/regional/remote/location), and most importantly which occupation (or occupations) you are ready to work in.


A Psychology degree is relevant to at least 11 occupations (all with differing requirements in terms of licensing/registration) on the Skilled Occupational List and the Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List and hence your biggest challenge is to choose which occupation which of those is directly relevant to your experience and requirements.


Once you identify your key occupation then it is possible to work out the choice of visa options which is best for you.

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