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Help with pearson PTE - Written Discourse

John Fennell

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Hi Guys, I about to sit my PTE test for the visa I need the full 20 points from it so 79 in each category.


I've done the 2 marked mock tests and get full 90 marks for Reading, Listening and Speaking. But have scored 71 then 75 on writing. My problem appears to be spelling and written discourse both being around 45-50.


Can anybody give any advice on how to improve the written discourse, or explain what it is? I think my spelling is never going to improve, I look at words and know that they're wrong but just can't work out why!


If I can get the written discourse up a bit and get lucky on the day with the spelling I think I can just scrape through.


Any advice would be welcome,



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Written disclosure is the style of writing I believe. If you write in a more formal way you will get more marks. I have attached a writing template that will help.


TIP: In your essay include a couple of these Idioms, you will pickup a couple more marks in the writing section.




Idioms such as "Hot Potato", "Think Outside of The Box" & "Each To Their Own" could be easily slotted into the style of essays in the PTE exams.


This score guide will help see how you can pickup extra marks to get you over the hump. - http://pearsonpte.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/PTEA_Score_Guide.pdf


Don't loose marks on silly mistakes and typos. Check for capital letters and full stops.


I have the same problem as you. I got 90, 90, 85 and 75 in my writing. Just those few points short!



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Thanks for the information, I've been doing some revision off the links you posted. The idiom usage is a big help, I was purposely avoiding them thinking it would be considered inappropriate in a formal essay.


I've got my test tomorrow so am hoping I've done enough to boost those last few points!


When do you have your test?

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I'm in the sheffield test centre, so not far off!


Good luck for tomorrow hope it goes well for you! which visa are you going for? I'm doing a 190 as a sheet metal worker, this is my last hurdle before the EOI


I am going for the 189 under Computer Network andSystems Engineer. Also my last hurdle before the EOI. :)


Thanks, also best of luck.

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How did you test go mate?


I got my results today 90,90,90,84 so really happy! I ended up with 90 on the written discourse but got lucky as I only had to do one of the essay questions. It seems the spelling isn't to much of an issue as I only managed 45 despite a lot of practice.


Good luck with your results. hope you got something similar.

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Ah gutted for you mate, thats so frustrating with the written discourse. I got 90 but didn't really feel I'd written any differently from the test in which I got 45, the main differences I made were stating my belief in the opening paragraph and adding the colloquium "In some circles" but that can't make that much difference.


It seems a lot of it might be to do with the points of arguments, where if you don't give the arguments it thinks is on topic you may get marked down. I found this list of repeated questions just before I went in on wednesday morning, (I got there at 7am thinking city traffic would delay me) http://allinfi.com/pte-academic-most-repeated-essay-types-with-short-cut-points/ I got lucky having an easy topic (although it wasn't on that list) and only one at that.


Good luck on your next test.

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I have a friend who is a GCSE and A-Level teacher. She said she will tutor me in exchange for tea and biscuits. But unfortunately she has gone on holiday for the summer holidays. I might take a gamble and go for it again.


Thanks for the link.


Im so close but so far!

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