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Travelling while waiting for visa decision

Jasvinder singh

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Hello everyone , i m new on this page but i follow this page from time . I have a question if someone have me i really appricate .

I applied 187 nom & visa 16/6/2016 , as we all know its take 6-8 mnths . I

I am on student visa and working in my field 20 hrs wkly and my student visa is going to expore 6/12/2016

I m thinking to go India end of this year for 6 wks .My question is if in case my file open in this period and i got negative reault and on same time if i am overseas is it create any problem for me they dont allow me to

Comeback here or they give me chance to go further for case . Pls help me with this .


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Jasvinder, I've moved your post to its own thread as it was off topic where you posted it.


I don't know the answer to your specific question, however I know there are some visas where a refusal made while outside Australia leaves you unable to appeal the decision to AAT. I don't know if this is the case for a 187 visa though, but it is something I'd check with a migration agent.

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