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Hello! I'm currently a UK resident and am looking to emigrate to Australia. This may sound stupid but I have NO IDEA where to start! I am a skilled worker as I am a Registered Psychiatric nurse. Could anyone point me in the right direction as there is so much info on the Internet it's overwhelming!





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Hi Jen -


With dozens of types of visas for Australia, the choice of visa or type of visa can certainly be daunting. To start with, there are generally two families of visas that people who come to work in Australia look for - employer sponsored visas where they are sponsored by employers (subclass 457, 186, 187) and skilled visas that people can qualify for based on their qualifications, work experience and age (subclasses 489, 189, 190). Depending on whether you're looking for an employer sponsored position or want to try and qualify without employer sponsorship, you might go to the DIBP (immigration dept) website at http://border.gov.au and investigate the 6 visas mentioned here - each visa has a three-digit subclass number, so you can look on the DIBP site or even use Google (ie, google "DIBP 457 visa").


Hope this helps -




Mark Northam

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Thank you for your reply! I have had a look previously, once you know which visa you are applying for, what is he process then? Is it better to go through an agent? Or do it yourself? I believe there are English tests etc?



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Thank you for your reply! I have had a look previously, once you know which visa you are applying for, what is he process then? Is it better to go through an agent? Or do it yourself? I believe there are English tests etc?




Hi Jen,


Identifying a potential visa is one of the earliest steps. There are different procedures/requirements for different visas. English tests are required from most applicants, but many applicants do not require them (e.g. British, Irish, US citizens, to name a few). It depends on various factors (visa, profession, citizenship, country of education/qualification ...etc.)


You may apply on your own or go through an agent. Going through agents safeguards you from making mistakes that could be detrimental to the visa prospects, besides, relieves you from the burden of doing the research and asking yourself what-if, however, you may still do the visa on your own like many people do.

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Hi Jen,


If you put your post in the main forum of Poms in Oz you'll be overwhelmed by nurses who can talk you through the basics. in this forum you'll find serious agents who have been accepted by PiO as offering professional services, Mark and Ahmad are good examples of the standard you can expect.




George Lombard

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