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Quarantine release date query


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Hi all, we are in Perth and our two dogs fly out on Sunday 26th June, they arrive and go straight into quarantine on Tuesday 28th June.


i am arranging the flights from Quarantine to Prty myself but have got a tad confused with my dates.


They have are to do 10 days in quarantine, and I thought that the entry and exit day were not included in those 10 days and so thought that they came out on Saturday 9th July, but the UK shippers have just emailed (they have a new office person) to say they will be due to leave on Friday 8th July. I now desperately want to be live them, can anyone please help. What date will my dogs be realised?


I've tried checking the quarantine websites but it's "down"!





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Hi all, we are in Perth and our two dogs fly out on Sunday 26th June, they arrive and go straight into quarantine on Tuesday 28th June.


i am arranging the flights from Quarantine to Prty myself but have got a tad confused with my dates.


They have are to do 10 days in quarantine, and I thought that the entry and exit day were not included in those 10 days and so thought that they came out on Saturday 9th July, but the UK shippers have just emailed (they have a new office person) to say they will be due to leave on Friday 8th July. I now desperately want to be live them, can anyone please help. What date will my dogs be realised?


I've tried checking the quarantine websites but it's "down"!






Hi Laura,


Providing all goes well your UK shipper is correct and your dogs will exit on the 8th if they arrive into quarantine on the morning of the 28th. The day of entry is included. My trio were there last month for 10 days including their arrival day and exited bang on time, quarantine will not keep them any longer than they have to (they arrived in to quarantine on the morning of the 13th and exited on the morning of the 23rd of May)....one of mine fell ill on the last day of quarantine and they immediately called a vet in to attend to her...she's absolutely fine now and settled in great as have my other two ...she was still certified fit for travel by the vet the next day as scheduled and was bought home the same day as the other two. My transport company to bring my 3 Huskies home took great care of her as of course she was still off colour .... I can't thank them enough for the consideration of her and making an extra stop to accommodate her comfort needs. Quarantine will let you know within a few days of their arrival if everything is in order and they will confirm your dogs exit date. Unless there is something unforseen that would pose any kind of risk etc ...it will be bang on the 10 days which includes their arrival day...in your case 10 days stay would be ....the 28th 29th 30th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th ....then they come out on the morning of the 8th :)


Cheers Mary-Anne

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Hi Laura,

No my trio were in separate kennels as they are large dogs. They travelled in custom built and individually sized crates which were made by my pet transporter prior to leaving the UK. Quarantine do try to put them in to kennels next to each other if they are travelling together ...so mine were in runs next door to each other so to speak. Just a small observation which I thought might be helpful ...the guy from quarantine who had to ring me about Meeka was very good ....he had checked on her earlier in the morning and then again later in the afternoon was when he noticed she was unwell....that was when he rang me and the vet ...I'm grateful he was looking out for her welfare and he was very informative on the phone on how she's been during her entire stay and gave me his number to contact him ....I think there's this attitude around that quarantine is a harsh place for the pets with uncaring people ....just felt it important to say it was nothing like that in my experience they were very good and obviously do care for the animals under their care. The vet they called in was wonderful and she emailed me a detailed report plus rang me after and emailed me again later to say she hoped Meeka was doing better ....I was very grateful she did that as she didn't have to ....so I'd say to people try not to worry as they do care and will do their very best to look after your pets.


I can totally understand your feelings I was counting down the days until I had my trio home. Although there was that little blip with one of mine she recovered fully ....and it's not affected her in the slightest. All 3 are so settled and loving their new home. There's not many Huskies around here so they tend to get noticed and fussed over when they are out on walkies lol For me it is great to see them so happy and yes totally worth it to have them with me and my family.


As Pat said once you get the notice of the day of release you or your pet transport (if you have nominated them as authorised people) will have to go onto the quarantine site and book their release appointment, selecting a time slot. One little tip my Melbourne transport company gave me was to not panic if the new quarantine system didn't allow you to nominate a company to collect your pets on the day ....apparently there's a little hitch with the system if you have organised the stuff yourself which then won't allow you to then nominate a company to collect...that's exactly what happened for me when I went to do it....BUT it was no problem whatsoever... I just booked it in saying I was collecting them myself ...and then emailed quarantine with a signed authorisation form stating that my transport company were to collect. On the day my transport company took a copy of that signed form in to present to quarantine and they were released straight into their care...no problems ...BUT I'm glad they gave me that tip beforehand otherwise I would have been thinking what do I do now lol I mention this as you noted in your first post you are organising the transport home yourself ....just keep that one tip filed away in your brain .... and if that happens on the day you go to book their release ....don't worry ....as long as you then email a copy to quarantine and to your transport company there will be no problems with them picking your girls up and bringing them home to you on the day. Am sure your pet transporters will be on the ball too and have something similar planned for such contingencies ...from what I'm seen most are excellent and bad experiences are the exception rather than the rule.....I sometimes feel it is a sad reflection on us all that so many times people just jump on the 1 negative out of a 100 and choose not to see or acknowledge the other 99 positives. I think it's important to acknowledge that most times everything goes well!!!


Good luck and hope it all goes well as sure it will...let us know how they get on.


Cheers Mary-Anne

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Honestly Laura I am sure your duo will be fine our boy Ralphy settled straight away it's like he has always been here

I had got myself wound up as he is a Shar Pei and they are prone to problems plus he head never been in kennels and will only wee on grass ! I had put a letter in for quarantine and when they emailed me about him they said he was toileting on grass He was a bit skinny when he came out of quarantine but I think that was change of food and probably stress He is now back to normal and settled in with his two new friends ie a 2 year old and 6 month old Rotty ( he is boss dog though lol )

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my two small Yorkshire terriers arrived in quarantine Wednesday 29th June and release date is 9th July. I've received confirmation from peq and also from dogtainers with release details and where to pick up from at Brisbane airport. It all went pretty smoothly and spoke to quarantine who informed me they are well and sharing a pen.


Im not sure if anyone else has been worried but I have actually made myself Ill worrying about them. Can anyone advise if their dogs were ok on release? I'm beside myself with worry!



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I was like that so worried and chewed up but our Shar Pei was fine He was thin when he came out of quarantine and coat not so good but a week later after his normal food and a good bath he was all good We got him out of quarantine and introduced him to two Rottys that day then moved house with the whole entourage the next day and he took it all in his stride

i had imagined all sorts going wrong particularly because of his breed he came through with flying colours

A few more days and you will see your duo so good luck

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