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186 transition stream requested for registration of governing body

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Hi my 186 visa application is now being considered and the case manager has asked for evidence of my registration with governing body (AASW). I have been in my job for 3.5 years and had my skills assessed before commencing. I am not a member of AASW as this is not essential for Social Workers in Australia. I am going through the transition stream for my 186 visa and didn't think registration was required.


does anyone have any experience with this or knowledge that would be helpful regarding this issue?




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Hi Anne


The case worker has possibly gone to the anzsco directory for guidance and found under the listing at http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Latestproducts/715A1169ABD58314CA257B95001310DD?opendocument for Social Worker , that registration 'may' be required.


The word 'may' is an indication that some states, and some employers, may impose the requirement for registration, or at least eligibility for registration with the national peak body (AASW), as a requirement to work as a Social Worker.


The South Australian government in particular appears to be pushing for national registration with AASW. See http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-03-13/sa-pushes-for-national-social-worker-registration/7241018


The ANZSCO listing confirms that currently registration is not mandatory, but it seems that things may be heading that way, and hence to maximise your employment prospects, it may be worth considering registration, or at least establishing your eligibility for registration.

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Hi Richard, thank u very much for your reply! should I register with aasw? I'm reluctant to do this due to cost and also the time it would take when it's not essential. I'm hoping the case manager will realise their mistake and allocate the visa with no further requests for registration. Thanks Anne

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I suggest you discuss the issue with your employer to confirm whether registration is required or desirable. If the employer does not require it, and the State in which you are working does not require it ,then you have a good case for having the registration issue dismissed.

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