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Rental and Work


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Hi All


My husband has been given a 489 visa for Queensland and we are due to move out on 27th June. As he has no work lined up yet, will this hold us up in applying for rentals. I have found us somewhere to stay for the first month but will need to start looking for rentals as soon as we get there. He will also be looking for work straight away but just wondered if this may cause problems if he doesn't get work straightaway?


Thanks is advance

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Hi All


My husband has been given a 489 visa for Queensland and we are due to move out on 27th June. As he has no work lined up yet, will this hold us up in applying for rentals. I have found us somewhere to stay for the first month but will need to start looking for rentals as soon as we get there. He will also be looking for work straight away but just wondered if this may cause problems if he doesn't get work straightaway?


Thanks is advance


How will you pay for your rental payments?

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You don't have to have a job to get a rental, the agents only concern is you can pay the rent, so submitting a copy of a healthy bank account should be enough. You can also include a covering letter explaining your new to the country and currently job seeking.


Lots of luck with everything

Cal x

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Oh thank you Calngary yes we will have a healthy account to keep us going until we find work, hopefully my hubby will get something pretty quick but was unsure if they allowed you to rent until you have proof of earning. Is it pretty easy to get rental as I've heard a few horror stories?

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Its a lot easier than it used to be but it can all depend on area. When you know what area you want to live in, keep looking on realestate.com (click latest listings) to see whats about and its also worth trying to 'befriend' a few local agents.


Cal x

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Thank you :)

Its a lot easier than it used to be but it can all depend on area. When you know what area you want to live in, keep looking on realestate.com (click latest listings) to see whats about and its also worth trying to 'befriend' a few local agents.


Cal x

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