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17year old daughter needs drugs for arthritis - covered?


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We obtained our visa in 2013 but have still to emigrate due to family issues etc.


Since then, our now 17 year old daughter has been diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis which is being kept in check by twice weekly injections of a drug called Enebrel/Etanercept. This is all supplied through the NHS and we have since found out that her treatment costs up to £9000 per year.


When we emigrate, will this cost be covered by Medicare or will we have to finance it ourselves?


Any information or links would be gratefully appreciated.


Many thanks

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Prescriptions are not free here, so unless an inpatient you will have to pay for meds. Check the PBS, will give you an idea of cost. Once you reach a certain limit, sorry cant remember its around $1200, you get a health card where you only have to pay around $6 per prescription item, may depend on the drug though

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