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189 visa timeline query

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Hoping someone can help clear my stressed, shell-shocked mind please??

I've been offered a job in Brisbane (yay!). They want me to start at the end of July/beginning of August.

We lodged on 29/04/16. Everything's done apart from medicals which are booked for 04/06/16. My question is how long is the visa likely to take from the point the results are through?

Obviously we have to give a month notice on our house, book flights etc...can't get my head around how/when to do all of that?

Thanks in advance!x

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Can't help really as far as advice.... How longs a piece of string I suppose... If you have no issues you could be granted very quickly....

I'd speak to your agent about this, they may be able to do some gentle encouragement to CO once your meds have cleared, especially if the job offers in writing?.... I'd ask the question xx

Well done though... That's great!!!!

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Thanks. Yeah I asked our agent and she advised me to forward a letter confirming the job offer which they can upload onto the application. She said she didn't know if it would make any difference to the processing speed. I just wondered if anyone can say how long theirs took to be granted after medicals...wish I'd have booked them last month like I was going to but the agent advised to wait. :rolleyes: I guess they just want to play it safe which is understandable.x

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Make sure you get everything in writing confirming their offer of employment!

Then I'd start writing lists of exactly what itisyou need to toe up and organise..... Then you are ready to roll.

If ypu have a partner you could always make the move (once granted) whilst they stay and tie up.... Something to think about


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Thanks. Yeah I asked our agent and she advised me to forward a letter confirming the job offer which they can upload onto the application. She said she didn't know if it would make any difference to the processing speed. I just wondered if anyone can say how long theirs took to be granted after medicals...wish I'd have booked them last month like I was going to but the agent advised to wait. :rolleyes: I guess they just want to play it safe which is understandable.x


Safety is always good when it comes to visas..... :yes:

Better to have more time than not enough....see if there's any cancellations available for meds?..... xx

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They're asking HR to put it together so should have that by Friday.

Ideally we want to all go together. Long story but I've been away for over 3 months out of the last 9 supporting sick relatives so I don't really want to be separated from my husband and son again.

I'm mainly worried about booking flights etc...Obviously don't want to book them yet incase visa's don't come through in time, but don't want to leave it too late for them all to be full/ridiculously expensive.

Right...lists it is!:cute: Thanks!x

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Here is my Story for Visa process


Point 60

ANZO : 263312 ( Telecommunication network engineer)

IELTS : W-6.5 , R-6.5 , L-7.5,S-6.5 ( Points Claimed 0 )

Work Experience - 8yrs ( 15 points )

Age - 30 points

Education - B.E in E&TC ( 15 points )


Engineering Australia Submitted : 13/02/2016

Outcome Received : 01/03/2016 ( Due to Fast track Application )

EOI submitted on : 01/03/2016 ( For Visa 189)

EOI received : 23/03/2016

File Submitted to IMMI : 01/04/2016

Case officer assigned : 21/04/2016 ( Asked for PCC , Medical and Form 80 )

Visa Grant : 25/05/2016.


Hope this will help you .

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Thanks guys. So you were granted your visa's just under 3 weeks after your medicals samjwilli? That's good to know. I'm working on the basis that, assuming all is OK with the medicals, if we can get our grant by the end of June we have a month before we need to leave so we can hand our notice in, book flights etc. It's going to be tight!x

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