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visa 189 Applicant from IRAN


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Hi everyone

I am from IRAN and have studied in UWA since 2012. I have lodged for 189 on 08/01/2016 and uploaded-+ all the info updates and police checks by 22/01/2016. I have not received a final decision on my visa yet. It is frustrating.

So many believe that it is because I am from Iran. Is anyone here from Iran or know any Iranian who has been granted 189 in 2016?

Thanks so much.

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It probably is because you are from Iran. Security checks from Iran can take a long time as there is no information sharing agreement with Australia. You may find a fellow Iranian on here, but it is predominantly for British ex-pats.


Best of luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi everyone

I am from IRAN and have studied in UWA since 2012. I have lodged for 189 on 08/01/2016 and uploaded-+ all the info updates and police checks by 22/01/2016. I have not received a final decision on my visa yet. It is frustrating.

So many believe that it is because I am from Iran. Is anyone here from Iran or know any Iranian who has been granted 189 in 2016?

Thanks so much.


Hi lili 64


Since you applied in january 2016, i suggest you should follow the thread related to those applicants who applied in jan 16.



Dont get frustrated, as the process and trend of grants get slower in the last quarter of financial year. I applied in Nov 15 and still waiting...

probable reason for delay in my grant is due to the fact that I belong to a High Risk country. I guess Iran too is a HR country. So no worries, just be patient. i am sure, the grants will speed up in july 2016 and its about to come.


Fingers crossed \\//\\//\\//



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