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457 to 820/801 Transition

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Unfortunately I have recently been made redundant from my sponsoring employer. I was made redundant on the 5th April, and my 90 day notice period expired on the 3rd July 2016. Before being made redundant, I completed a Skills Assessment in my occupation, as I was planning to apply for PR before the 2 year period. However, I was made redundant before being able to do this. My occupation (Training and Development Professional) is also not on the required skills list meaning an independent skilled permanent visa (189 - i think) is out of the question.


I am certain I am eligible for the 820/801 partner visa with my girlfriend of 18 months, with whom I've been living for the past 9 months. However, I understand that there are often some issues with transitioning from the 457 to an 820.

To further throw a spanner in the works, I have travel commitments to the UK on the 1st July for 3 weeks which I absolutely MUST attend. To the best of my understanding, it looks like finding a new sponsor is the best option at this stage, however I work in a fairly niche industry and I don't want to rely on this!

I have been told that cancelling the 457 early will result in transitioning onto Bridging visa E which has no work or travel rights, so I want to avoid this if possible. I have also been told that going onto a Bridging Visa E (BvE) will reset the clock on time counted towards a future citizenship application, meaning the previous 2 years that I have lived in Australia would no longer count towards the 4 years needed for a citizenship application. Can I submit the 820 + BVA + BVB applications before travelling to the UK?


As a last resort, I am thinking an option may be to let the 457 visa expire whilst I'm back in the UK, then apply for a tourist visa to return to Oz and then apply for the 820 once I am back in Australia. The concern here from what Ive read is a "No Further Stay" condition which may be placed on the tourist visa? Is there anyway to guarantee avoiding this condition? Is this even a viable strategy??


Any help or advice would be hugely appreciated!!

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It is a 4 year 457 Visa so 25th June 2018! However Immigration were informed that I was made redundant on the 5th April, so I believe the 457 will expire on the 3rd July which would be 90 days from the 5th April.


Many thanks

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Quick update for anyone else who may be in this position....


I spoke with Immi today. The 90 period is from THE DATE YOU CEASE WORKING with your sponsoring employer, not from the date you receive the notification letter from Immi as it suggests on a couple of other forums. After the 90 days are up, you will receive a notice of cancellation of the visa.


If I submit the 820 application and my 457 visa expires naturally (ie after the full 4 years, cancellation or the end of the 90 day notice period does not count as "expiring naturally") then I would go onto a Bridging visa A, which allows work rights and allows me to then apply for Bridging visa B which gives travel rights. However, my 457 visa expires in 2018 so this can happen.


There is a 12-15 month processing time on the 820/801 visa. This means, even if I submit the 820 application prior to the end of the 90 day period, it wont be processed before the 90 day period has finished. This will result in me breaching the 457 visa conditions stipulating I must have another sponsor, visa or have left Aus prior to the end of the 90 days. This would result in me automatically being transitioned onto a Bridging visa E (BvE)- the worst type of bridging visa which does not allow for travel and has no work rights. Technically, this also means that I would be on this BvE with no work rights for the next two years!!!! (However, Im pretty sure there are ways to transition onto a better Bridging visa with work rights if you are in this situation). This is also not a valid solution for me as I HAVE to travel to the UK in the coming weeks.


Another option that was suggested is that I could let my 457 expire and travel back to the UK. Whilst in the UK I could then apply for the offshore partner visa, and then apply for a visitor visa to re-enter Australia, explaining the situation with the partner visa application, and then at least be back in Aus whilst the partner visa is processed. Another downside to this solution is that the visitor visa would also have no work rights, and given the processing time again is 12-15 months, this would be a long time with no income!


I have a meeting with a immigration consultant tomorrow to discuss further options, but if anyone has any further comments/suggestions in the mean time, Id love to hear them!!

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  • 4 months later...

Just re-read my previous post which wasnt very clear, so see edits below:


Quick update for anyone else who may be in this position....


If I submit the 820 application and my 457 visa expires naturally (ie past the "expiry date" as listed on the visa grant notice, which is 2018 in my case. Cancelling the visa manually or the end of the 90 day notice period does not count as "expiring naturally") then I would go onto a Bridging visa A, which allows work rights and allows me to then apply for Bridging visa B which gives travel rights. However, my 457 visa expires in 2018 so this CANT happen.



UPDATE: I ended up travelling back to the UK, and cancelling my 457 manually whilst I was out of Australia. I then returned to Australia on a Business e-Visitor visa and I was able to find another sponsor, and therefore a completely new 457 visa.


Another option other than finding another sponsor when back on a visitor visa, would be to submit the 820 application instead. I believe in this scenario you would have to wait for your eVisitor to expire before transitioning onto a Bridging Visa whilst your 820 application is processed (12-15 months as of the original post.) I think there may be some chance of the Bridging visa having the same conditions as the Visitor visa, which means you won't be able to work. However, I'm not 100% sure of this, and I also have been told that even in this scenario, you can apply to have to work conditions lifted if you can prove hardship etc.


In short, from all of my research, transitioning from a 457 to an 820 isn't straight forward, and results in being automatically transitioned onto a BvE if you remain onshore in Australia (although I may have missed something so don't just take my word for it).


It's also worth at least having a consultation with a proper immigration lawyer/agent to see what your options are. It's expensive (~$400) but well worth it considering the impact this has on your future!

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