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Spouse visa - accommodation requirements


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Hello all, just a quick one. So do the UK Government expect you to actually rent a property before applying for the visa? Seems a little risky. I have only my parents back home in a one bed house so they cant agree to 'put us up' there until we get settled. We were going to secure a long let on a local holiday rental but reading other posts this is a no no? What did you do to satisfy this requirement?

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Sorry if this isn't the case. I was reading some other thread and they said they were not able to use holiday accommodation as the address of where they will be living when they arrive in the UK as this is only a temporary address. As they had been through the process I just assumed that the requirements were to have a permanent and suitable property to reside in.

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Dunno... Perhaps there's a restriction on specifically defined short-term holiday lets or hotel rooms? Technically, any rental is a temporary arrangement in the UK unless it's under a long term lease.


Personally, I think it a bit mad that there'd be such a restriction. Would you want to hack off someone with the cash to stay at the Savoy for the first five months on arrival!?

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Sorry if this isn't the case. I was reading some other thread and they said they were not able to use holiday accommodation as the address of where they will be living when they arrive in the UK as this is only a temporary address. As they had been through the process I just assumed that the requirements were to have a permanent and suitable property to reside in.


Well as unreasonable as the spouse visa rules seem to be, I just cannot believe that the government expects people to rent a house out that they cannot possibly live in because they don't have a visa that enables them to move.

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Thanks everyone. I'll do some more research. Just started looking into this and get about 5 minutes per day to sit at the PC as got two very young children. Huge move to plan and was reading some threads as a starting point. Thanks again.

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