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Professional couple with 2.5 year old starting the process of emigrating to Australia !

Dan Mika

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Hi All,


We have decided we are going to pursue our dream and begin the process of emigrating to Melbourne. We met in Australia 7 years ago, returned to Europe, married, had our daughter and now we want to return and live in Australia. We visited for 3 weeks last October and were happy to see that we love Australia as much as a family as we did 7 years ago when we first met. We will be emigrating from Switzerland, one UK national and one Swiss. If anyone has been in a similar situation feel free to drop me a line! I will be applying for a skilled visa. My wife is an Anaesthetist and I am working in Treasury/Fixed Income. Looking forward to getting this process off the ground, targeting one year from now to be on Australian ground, living and working.


All the best



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