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Unemployed eVisitor - urgent


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Hello there


Im new here, Im 27 years old female from Poland.

I would love some advice! Im bit nervous and need some opinion.


Ive been in Australia on tourist visa (eVisitor) 2 times. I came to visit my bf and meet his family and friends. First I came in July 2015 stayed almost 3 months then we went for almost 3 weeks to Thailand and Singapore to renew my 3 months. After we got back to Australia in October I stayed 3 months (to be exact 78 days).. I knew when we get back that officers gonna ask me questions. And so she did. She was asking about why I want to get back since I was there for 3 months, if I work and I work illegaly in Australia. She was asking my bf questions as well. And at the end she said that immigration doesnt like when couple use tourist visa to come to Australia (which I totally understand) and we should think about applying for partner visa onshore.. And they let me in.


I left Australia in January 2016 since I had to go back to work and I had surgery schedulde to get my tonsils out. Well when I got back it turned out my boss doesnt want me to work for her anymore. So i recently become unemployed and heres my questions for YOU guys, what do you think.



My last eVisitor was valid till June 2016, but I applied for a new eVisitor and Ive got it without any problems and its gonna expire in 2017.


I'm going back to Australia in May and Im planning on staying for 3 months (I have return ticket for the beginging of August). Im gonna be there 86 or 88 days. I just wanna visit my bf and his family as well as visit some friends.

My boyfriend offered that he's gonna pay for everything while im there and Im gonna stay at his place. Of course I'm gonna have some cash with me.


When I was in Australia I was like 5 or 6 times sick, where I needed to go to the doctor for antibiotic, I had tonsillitis so I wasnt able to travel around much.

This time I really want to visit Sydney (which is the typical tourist place), Melbourne and Tasmania, where my bf auntie lives. She's into Polish language, culture and we haven't met face to face yet we only talk on the phone. So this time I would love to visit her.


As I said the officer at the airport said about the partner visa that we should apply. Well to be honest I do not know if I want to apply for it. At least I do not plan on doing it. Its a really big deal and comitmnet. Im really close with my family and all of them are in Poland. Im not too sure if im ready to leave my family, friends and my country and move across the world. And tbh Im not really sure if we meet the criteria to apply for this partner visa, I haven't even checked it..


So can you tell me if it is a big deal that I dont have a job here in Poland? Im leaving here with my parents and since I dont work Ive become "full time housewife" like cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and washing dishes, which I dont mind. My grandmas sick, she's having the beging of dementia (I think that what its called, you can tell her Im going to the shop to buy a bread and 5 min later she ask where are you going, she forgets how old are you or your name) so Im helping with looking after my grandma (she needs someone with her 24/7).


my reasons to spend time in Australia:

- visit friends and bf

- my friend has her big birthday bash in June ( 50th bday party, shes sending invites and i got one thru facebook as well) and one of my bf closest friend has his birthday at the end of May

- my bf's birthday in July

- i wanna see Sydney and my bf's auntie in Tasmania (in this almost 6 months in Australia I was sick like 5 or 6 times where I was at the doctors so I wasnt feeling too good to travel) and if I can i would love to visit Melbourne


reasons to leave after 3 months:

- I have return ticket back to Poland before the 3 months entry expire

-i wanna go back to poland since my dads 55th bday is in august,

-my grandmas sick

-i wanna find a job here in poland

- im even thinking about going back to school, to start Uni in October but Im still not too sure

- ALL of my family is in poland

- I live with my parents at their place that they own ( its not my own yet, Im gonna inherit it after them)

- my mom might have back surgery in the next 6 months so I need to be back home to take care of here

- since I was unemployed for 2-3 months I was full time house maker/ house wife? I was doing all of the cooking/cleaning etc.


Can you please tell me what do you think?

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I think you'll find immigration officers probably getting increasingly twitchy over time.


With that said, if you've got your return ticket, can demonstrate a source of funds for your stay, and already have an e-visa granted, I think it's hard to say exactly what might happen. If they are twitchy enough over why you seem to be coming back time and time again (and you'll be racking up 9 months by the end of this trip), it's not impossible that they might infer other intentions.


If you want to go visit without the harangue for long periods, it might be worth looking into a 600 class visa. This is a visitor visa that can be issued for up to a year. Yes, there's paperwork involved; however, part of that paperwork is demonstrating your ties to your own country and to provide comfort to DIBP that you have no intention of breaching visa conditions during your stay in Australia.

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Thank you for the reply. When I get back to Poland Im planing to find work so when I'll get new job Im not gonna visit Australia any time soon..


I know its a lottery now at the border and the immigration officer can let me in or send me back home.. but being unemployed is "one way ticket"?meaning that I dont have a reason to go back home


To be honest I thought having return ticket back to Poland would be a good reason to let me in.. since I have a date to leave Australia and I think I was naive :(



When I was in Australia before I was employed, but when I get back home and went to work my boss decited to end the contract..

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Unfortunately, I imagine there are more than a few folk who have entered with return tickets and "forgotten" they had to leave by a certain time. For those of us who would play by the rules, it causes a headache, potentially.


I would keep as solid an itinerary as possible with you in your hand luggage in case you need to talk to immigration staff. If you're going on a valid visit, it shouldn't be a problem; however, I would definitely encourage carrying everything and anything you can to demonstrate it is a valid visit.


I hope it all works out for you.



Edited to add: Being unemployed is, in no way, a one way ticket. I was unemployed for a couple of years (through my own choice) to go travelling, raise money for charity, and get my stress levels down. If you can demonstrate you have adequate resources while you're in a country, they should be fine.

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Yes I definetly understand there are people who just "extends" their stay in the country and to be honest i do not understand that.. like if you want to live in the country do it legally and apply for a proper visa!


I have already printed my itinerary and highlighted all of the dates and names of arrivals and departures countries! I printed my visa letter grant and I already have the previous eVisitor visa. The current visa is valid till next year and I havent entered the country on it yet.


I have my boyfriends address and his phone number written down is case if they want to call him and ask (for example if he knows me and if hes offering me a place to stay and that he pays for all the food etc.)



I was and still am a bit nervois about being unemployed and a tourist.. Ive read somewhere that is the reason officers (not only in Australia) do not let people in! Cause they don't have reason to go back home! So I'm scared that they won't let me in and will think Im planning to work illegal while on eVisitor (which last time, after comijg back from Singapore lady officer wanted to know so bad! She was asking me couple of times "do you work here?cause you know its illegal and you would break your visa conditions!" Well I get it it's her job and she was concerned, since I went for 2,5 weeks and coming back to Australia for another 3 months..she said immigration doesnt like seeing people coming on tourist visa to visit theirs bfs/gfs

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Oh and I didnt buy any plane tickets or booked hotels for any trips I wanna take while I'm in Australia.. Im going to stay at my boyfriedns place cause he offered this (accomodation and food)..


Do you think if its gonna be enough that I have a plan in my head what I wanna see and where I wanna go? Cause I don't know yet when my bf's gonna have off from work and whe his auntie will be home (she lives in Tas)

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Hi there,

I have some advice for you.

In terms of applying for a Partner visa, you need to indicate that your relationship

is long-term with a minimum of 12-months in either a de-facto relationship or in a marital relationship.

The proof of evidence to show to the Department must be shared bank accounts, shared assets and other related criteria involved.But there are other visa options that you might be eligible to apply for.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello there :)

Just wanted to let anybody knows that Im currently in Australia. I got here last week. I was supriesed I wasnt asked too many questions..

At the airport officer looked at my passport and get it on the back to his friend and I was super nervous that Im not gonna get in.. the second officer asked me for how long Im planning to stay in Australia ( i said 3 months), what Im going to do here (said to visit my boyfriend and friends) and if i got something to declare ( i said nope). He wrote something on my incoming passenger card and I said to him that i have ticket back home and he replied it doesnt matter.. gave me back my passport and IPC and said have a nice day and give your IPC at the line back there


Im so happy and relived that it wasnt that bad! I thought i would get ask bout everything and I was suprised it was ok :)

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No they havent asked about my job situation which i was supriesed and nervous. He didnt even mention this. Im not sure if the 2nd red carefully the other side of the IPC. He wasnt even interested to see ny return ticket or anything.

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I would be surprised if they did: how the heck would they even go about checking it on arrival? If it was something like the 600 visa being issued to someone from a high risk country, I could understand DIBP / High Commission running checks on employment before issuing the visa. Only dodgy thing about Poland was that Eurovision entry the other night...


Have fun in Australia. Just be sure to play things by the book and not "forget" to nip back home at the end of the trip ;-)

Toodlepip. :)

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