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We have just been allocated a case officer and my daughter (19 months old) has just had stool sample back with traces of c diff. We have no idea where this has come from. She had a fever and diarrhoea, but she is better now and on antibiotics.

I'm absolutely scared out of my mind that this may effect our visa application. Am I overreacting?


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I couldn't say for sure, but bugs in baby poo is a common problem and usually solved with anti biotics. I assume that you could have her poo retested once she is well to make sure she has improved. Also, how would your case officer know? I expect you will be absolutely fine.

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I wouldn't worry too much. I reckon the medical examinations is to make sure you won't be a burden for the Australian Health System. I mean VIH, Tuberculosis, Chronic illness etc. A simple infection wouldn't be a problem I'd say. As long as when you enter Australia should the visa be granted your daughter is ok.. I think they are more interested in your long term health or in discard any ebola zika or something like that, rather than in your temporal heath. After all everyone is exposed to bacterias and common sickness at any time. That is my personal opinion

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Thanks guys. I guess I'm just paranoid as we've come so far after three years we are now finally getting closer. I'm phoning our agent tomorrow anyway to discuss. I'm just a worrier lol xx


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