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Visa 462 to Visa 820/801


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Concern on the 12 months' de facto relationship will not be completely fulfilled when partners visa application lodged !

Is this an issue , any one ? How can this be overcome ? Is oversea de facto registration recognised for Oz migration purpose ?


Please advise.

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Overseas could count but only if you can prove it properly to meet Aus immigration requirements and are able to explain why you lived apart. So you'd still need evidence to submit showing you you were sharing a life as a de facto couple, even if living apart. Can you do that? Dating and masses of Skype calls and FB conversations while dating long distance don't cut it. Did you make wills, add the other to the life insurance policy, open a savings account together, joint bank account? Or were you just a couple who were dating long distance till one then went to the others country on a WHV to clock up the de facto time? Until my husband moved to the UK and moved in with me, our long distance time was really just dating, even though we were committed to each other in our minds, that doesn't matter a jot to immigration who want proper proof of this sort of commitment. I'm guessing without proper evidence to support a claim of de facto it will be classed as dating. If you had lived together for say 6 months and then one of you got offered a great job elsewhere and took it (and the other remained in the home you had shared) then that sort of thing could be explained. Same as if one of you worked away Mon-Fri and came back on weekends. Do you have that sort of explanation?


Coming off a WHV with a 12 month window to clock up de facto leaves you short as I'd expect you'd want to lodge a bit before the visa is due to expire and then go onto a bridging visa once the WHV runs out. Is there no chance of doing the second year to give more time to have de facto time together?


What state do you reside in? A couple of Aus states allow you to register your relationship and this can then waive the 12 month de facto period, but you need to register it and have the paperwork for it. And only in certain states this can be done.

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Thank you snifter.

WHV 462 unfortunately stands no chance of 2nd year. Agree with you on early visa application & go onto a bridging visa. Anybody has done this with no diffuculty ?


Sad to know that WA registration for de facto relationship is not recognised for migration purposes

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