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Christian Schools

Guest thistles and gum trees

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Guest thistles and gum trees


Does anyone know much about the Chrisitan School system in Australia?

We have never experienced it in the UK (Don't think there really is one) but would be very interested in that option down there - moving next October. We are heading to south east Victoria. Does anyone know how it compares to the state system with regard to grades, sports and exams etc and also do most of the kids that attend actually choose to be there or would it be a parental push rather than anything else. I would be grateful for any information, this would be a serious option for us but have never had the children in a school other than state before. Thanks for your help.

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Does anyone know much about the Chrisitan School system in Australia?

We have never experienced it in the UK (Don't think there really is one) but would be very interested in that option down there - moving next October. We are heading to south east Victoria. Does anyone know how it compares to the state system with regard to grades, sports and exams etc and also do most of the kids that attend actually choose to be there or would it be a parental push rather than anything else. I would be grateful for any information, this would be a serious option for us but have never had the children in a school other than state before. Thanks for your help.


Australia is only slightly different to the UK in this regard. We have Catholic Schools, Christian (i.e. Christian but not specifically catholic..and often more of an evangelistic type (happy hand-wavers) rather than traditional "pulpit & Pew... although there are things like Presbyterian Colleges and the like) and Islamic schools, Jewish Schules and so forth...


In general, and as in the UK... the state system has some schools that perform better or worse than the norm, often related more to the demographic of the area in which they are situated... and as with state schools in the UK, they are sometimes a 'dumping-ground" for pupils who are not academic at all, but must by law attend school to age 16 (or whatever).


Christian schools get a fairly good reputation across teh board. mainly because discipline is a bit tighter than at State schools... and the "disinterested pupil" element is maybe lower.


With any school other than a State school... the kid is there because the parents send them.... Are most kids in a Christian school (catholic or otherwise) fervently religious... almost certainly not... But there will inevitably be a moral overtone to the teaching.

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Guest thistles and gum trees

Does anyone know much about the Chrisitan School system in Australia?

We have never experienced it in the UK (Don't think there really is one) but would be very interested in that option down there - moving next October. We are heading to south east Victoria. Does anyone know how it compares to the state system with regard to grades, sports and exams etc and also do most of the kids that attend actually choose to be there or would it be a parental push rather than anything else. I would be grateful for any information, this would be a serious option for us but have never had the children in a school other than state before. Thanks for your help.


Australia is only slightly different to the UK in this regard. We have Catholic Schools, Christian (i.e. Christian but not specifically catholic..and often more of an evangelistic type (happy hand-wavers) rather than traditional "pulpit & Pew... although there are things like Presbyterian Colleges and the like) and Islamic schools, Jewish Schules and so forth...


In general, and as in the UK... the state system has some schools that perform better or worse than the norm, often related more to the demographic of the area in which they are situated... and as with state schools in the UK, they are sometimes a 'dumping-ground" for pupils who are not academic at all, but must by law attend school to age 16 (or whatever).


Christian schools get a fairly good reputation across teh board. mainly because discipline is a bit tighter than at State schools... and the "disinterested pupil" element is maybe lower.


With any school other than a State school... the kid is there because the parents send them.... Are most kids in a Christian school (catholic or otherwise) fervently religious... almost certainly not... But there will inevitably be a moral overtone to the teaching.


Thanks Fraser for your reply.


We are heading specifically to "Sale, Gippsland" so if anyone had any information on that town or area or particularly on the schools I would be so grateful. Aslo we have heard that the temperature is not always so great in that part of the country - is that true? We are from Scotland so we don't come from high weather expectations!! Never the less it would be nice to know to compare... Thanks.

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Thanks Fraser for your reply.


We are heading specifically to "Sale, Gippsland" so if anyone had any information on that town or area or particularly on the schools I would be so grateful. Aslo we have heard that the temperature is not always so great in that part of the country - is that true? We are from Scotland so we don't come from high weather expectations!! Never the less it would be nice to know to compare... Thanks.


Hi there...


I am also ex-pat Scot (Clydebank / Erskine)


Sale is beautiful. You'll love it. Look here.




The weather... better than any Scottish weather..all year round. Winter lows? Maybe a few mornings with a light frost. Typical winter overnight low is about 6C.


Summer.. Mid 30s. Ocassional frew days at 40+, but not many.

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Guest thistles and gum trees

Thanks Fraser for the info.


I noticed on another board that you sent your 3 children to a Catholic School. There are 3 options for us for 2 of our 3 children when we go to Sale. The first is the Grammar which (from an Aberdonian) seems REALLY expensive!! No.2 The Comp - which seems only OK ish but not sure. The third choice is the local Catholic College which looks really good (Sion and St Patricks) the fees are not too bad BUT we are not Catholic. Do you know if the Catholic schools in the region accept non Catholic pupils. We really like the look of the school but don't know what the policies down there would be. Thanks, Sarah.

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Thanks Fraser for the info.


I noticed on another board that you sent your 3 children to a Catholic School. There are 3 options for us for 2 of our 3 children when we go to Sale. The first is the Grammar which (from an Aberdonian) seems REALLY expensive!! No.2 The Comp - which seems only OK ish but not sure. The third choice is the local Catholic College which looks really good (Sion and St Patricks) the fees are not too bad BUT we are not Catholic. Do you know if the Catholic schools in the region accept non Catholic pupils. We really like the look of the school but don't know what the policies down there would be. Thanks, Sarah.




Catholic colleges will take non-catholic kids if places are available. However, catholic feeder schools will normally get priority. Process is that each school must agree with the education authority what its intake will be for any given year. After standard feeder school intake, other places are awarded. (Apply early!)


There are lots of non-catholic kids at Thomas Carr College (which is where my kids go (Wife is Catholic, I'm, not..... incidentally, my family was originally from Montrose and my father's eldest brother still lives in Aberdeen...)


So, the college has a decent intake of kids whose parents value the additional discipline offered by a non-state school... there are quite a few kids of Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Philippino and similar varied backgrounds.


There are no Protestant / Catholic hang-ups here. Australia has had to get use to people from extremely varied backgrounds, so, to be blunt, nobody gives a stuff!


I do know a few people from the Gippsland area, and I will ask around for you, but it might take a few days (Australia is a big, big place.. and Geelong to Sale is about the same as Aberdeen to Carlisle)... If I haven't reported back by the end of the week.. please remind me.

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Guest thistles and gum trees

Thanks again Fraser.


Any info you can give us ofr the Sale area would be great and it's good to hear about the schools too. This is such a great site - i am so thankful for it. We are in the early process of moving although have been accepted for work (my husband has been given an offer by the RAAF - he is RAF) and really have no knowledge of life down under - never been there and have no friends or relatives there, but its the start of a new adventure for us. The kids are a bit worried and our eldest son - nearly 14 worries that we wont even see the old firm games again! As far as scottish location, you come from my neck of the woods, born Aberdeen - still have family there, brought up in Stonehaven. Living overseas at the moment - have been for 4 years so it has tought us that we really don't want to settle in the UK!

Glad for any more info! Especially for the children - boy neary 14, girl nearly 12 and boy 7. Thanks, sarah.

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Thanks again Fraser.


...our eldest son - nearly 14 worries that we wont even see the old firm games again! Thanks, sarah.


Tell him that we have a TV station called SBS that broadcasts soccer from all around the world every evening...




Yes.. we get the old firm games...and lots of Scottish, English, French, Italaina and German soccer too... and even the Australain leagues..


(Tell him he is now officially a Melbourne Victory supporter...



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