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Carpenter 27 need advice


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Hello :)


Im a traineed Carpenter, 27 years young from Germany. Im really curious about living in Australia, my only problem is i dont know where to start, like looking for a job at first, looking for visa, looking for an area to stay ? Or would it even be better to just look for a "Student job/helper job" to get in touch with the Culture and get some Expirience ?


Any Informations would be much appreciated!

Thanks in Advance!

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After reading thru it, i couldnt find anything about if you need to have a job already "granted" or if you are able to look for a job when you arrive in australia ?

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After reading thru it, i couldnt find anything about if you need to have a job already "granted" or if you are able to look for a job when you arrive in australia ?


It's a visa that allows you to have a long holiday, and you have the right to work if you need to. Maximum of 6 months with any one employer.


So come to Australia, chill out, do the tourist stuff, and if you want to, you can also look for work. Any kind of work.

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