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7 weeks in..


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So we (my partner, I and 2 children) arrived in Perth 7 weeks ago and it has flown!! Flew from Manchester via Singapore with Singapore Airlines. We can't fault them! However the second flight (Singapore to Perth) was awful for us. This was due to the fact the youngest gets travel sick and I think because we couldn't get them to settle for a sleep on the first flight they were exhausted by the time we reached Singapore! So the second flight we spent the whole 5 hours with 2 sick children and couldn't wait to land!!

Landed on a wednesday, jetlag and getting used to the time difference sorted by the Friday and by Friday afternoon kids were all sorted to start school on the monday (people may think this was too soon but as kids were over jetlag we thought it was best for them to start the first day of term to help with making friends and settle in etc) Kids are loving it and only a week into our stay were adamant Australia is where they want to be (We know after the 'honeymoon' period it could change) Making plenty of friends :)

First week we got bank cards, medicare, driving licenses and after 2 weeks here we were in our first rental, partner had a job and had a car!

We're loving having the beach less than a 5 minute drive. Twice whilst we've been there we've seen a seal literally less than 3 metres away! Amazing!! Been to Hillarys, yanchep national park, Moore river with plenty of places left to see but there's no rush..

Life is good and it seems years since we started the process and getting the grant! Thank goodness for Skype but so far so good. We are embracing aussie life everyday and at the moment it's awesome! We know it cant possibly be all rose tinted glasses ... but what we've experienced so far we are happy!! Good luck to all those in the process it is definitely worth it!

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Good to see your update is positive, we fly out at the end of May and the reality and fear are starting to set in! I hope our move goes as smoothly as yours has. Can I please ask how did you get your kids into school so quickly? We have been told by the school we are interested in that we can't apply for a place until we have a rental contract in place which I assumed might take us a few weeks. We have a holiday villa booked for four weeks to give us time to find a rental.




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Hi Laura, My partner has an aunt who lives NOR in Butler so we knew this was where we wanted to settle. We went into school explained our situation (we stayed at theres for the 2 weeks we first arrived) that we knew this is where we wanted to settle etc and all was fine. Good luck!! Thanks everyone else!!

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Aww thanks for the update Mel25. I am leaving the 1st of May myself, husband and two children times is flying by and nerves are starting to kick in (would be worried if they weren't lol). Glad all went well for you, we are heading to mandurah Perth nice to hear the ups side, good luck may bump into you one day x

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