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Delaying citizenship and leaving for a snow season?


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Hi all hoping someone can help. I've recently got my PR but now have the opportunity to go and do a snow season in Canada which is for 5 months. Is it still the case that to get your citizenship u have to live in oz as a PR for 12 months and not leave for longer than 3 months? Going into my 6th year living here so I know it's only 12 months as a PR but by me doing this snow season its going to delay my citizenship by another year is that right? Can anyone think of a way around this ? Here is home and I'd like my citizenship ASAP but don't want to pass up the opportunity of A snow season Thanks

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Ive done my fair share of time... Was a week off of a year for my PR. But if I only left for 3 months in that 12 months period it would still count ? If I do the whole 5 months away my year as a PR will reset and start when I get back after the season? Does that sound correct? Just trying to understand it all, thanks

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The requirement is:


You must:



  • have been living in Australia on a valid Australian visa for four years immediately before applying which must include the last 12 months as a permanent resident, and
  • not have been absent from Australia for more than one year in total, in the 4 year period, including no more than 90 days in the year before applying.




So as long as the 5 months does not take you over a year in total in the last 4 years outside of Australia then it is simply a case of waiting a year when you come back - the previous 4 years still count.


If Australia is home and that's where you plan to live after the 'snow season' then it's really no big deal - many people never get Australian citizenship, it really only matters at an emotional level unless there are certain jobs you wish to apply for, you really care about voting or you want to leave with the right to return.


Do consider if you need a RRV though before you leave for Canada (very jealous!!)


You could consider a compromise and return after 90- days I suppose?

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