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going traveling for 6-8 months to AUS any advice on what to put in a letter to my employer before leaving? So it will increase my chances of getting my job when I return. I'm an machine operator for an Aerospace company. It's not the type of workplace that will give you paid leave etc.



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Do you intend to go back? If so, I'd just say the reasons why you're going (see the world, adventure), how much you enjoy working there, and how you'd love to work there again on your return if its possible. Keep it simple but positive.


However, if you don't really enjoy the job and just want the security of a 'back up' in case your plans don't work out, then be honest. I wasn't and it was wrong. I left my company at home hanging for months before finally telling them 8 months after I'd left that I wasn't coming back. I wish I'd just resigned and made a clean break.

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