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Worried about the medical you have when you want to apply for residency

Debbie Graves

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Can anyone tell me what is involved when you go for a medical to apply for residency?

I'm nervous about hospitals & like to know exactly what to expect so there are no nasty surprises!


Please can you tell me everything that they test & how! (are there any needles? Do you have to go on a treadmill- that kind of info)

thanks x

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It is a while since we did ours, but from memory we had blood and urine tests (OH pretty much passed out when his blood was taken, but the nurse was lovely about it!), the doctor asked loads of questions, felt our tummies, listened to heart and lungs etc. There was a very basic eye check, blood pressure test, skin check, reflexes, I don't remember having a chest x-ray, although I do remember having one for our 457 and I would have thought that we would have had one for PR, don't quote me on that though. It was pretty straightforward, there was no treadmill or anything like that. The kids had pretty much the same, although I don't remember them having the blood tests. Youngest was only 4 when we applied for PR and there was no urine test for her but eldest was 6 and I think I had to get a urine sample from her.


It was really nothing to worry about, although I know that is easy for me to say!

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Hi! We just did ours last year me and my hubby had xray, blood test, urine test and general check up my 2 kids had geberal check up and urine test they dont need blood test and xray yet but if the kids are 16 years old they will have it to, theres nothing to be nervous it was very easy and fast, goodluck.

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