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Consultant letters for up coming medicals?


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Hi as I have lupus /APS I'm going to require letters from my consultants to explain details of my conditions and their stability etc...

If I don't actually have any appointments with either of them in the near future, and have no idea how to do this

...can someone please help me - HOW do I get a letter from each of them!?.....

Do I ring?...do I email?.... What exactly am I requesting and what exactly does it need to detail?


Thanks very much

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Hi jodipodi, I recently had to do this and all I did was phone the consultant's secretary, I think they all have one even if it is a secretary that serves several doctors or a department. I explained what it was for and she said that they often have requests for such references so she knew what to put. It did take about 4 weeks to come, but I did eventually receive the letter in the post. It was addressed "To whom it may concern" and just gave a very brief history, listed my current medication and gave a long term prognosis. This was all in about 4 lines.


My only advice would be to ask for the letters as soon as you can. If you turn up to the medicals without them the doctor will quite likely ask that you go away and get the letters.

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I phoned the hospital and was put through to my specialists secretary back when i did it too. However it wasnt worth the paper it was written on as once the medical and letter was submitted i was asked to go and see a Panel specialist of their choice (but at my cost) who did pretty much the same thing - wrote a letter on where my condition was at !!


Cal x

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Oh for goodness sake.. Really.....Oh I really hope I don't end up with that too!

I have a rheumatologist and a cardiologist.

I seen the cardiologist to check that the ectopic beats I was having were just normal....nowt wrong with me that way....and my lupus is well managed as they eventually gave me medication. I'm luckily one of the people who have bare minimal symptoms when it comes to lupus... In comparison to many.xx

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