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External social work degree in Australia


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I got my residency before Christmas so im now looking at returning to study my degree in social work (I have always wanted to do this but chose to travel earlier in life).


4 years is quite daunting however, but after doing some research these last few weeks I have found you can do an external degree and just wanted some advise if anyone has done it this way? It has been a very long time since I have studied so the prospect of 4 years is coming across as very scary right now! I know it will be worth it in the end as any position I want to get into requires this!


Or on another note does anyone know any companies that allow you to work and sub the degree e.g. a traineeship or some sort. I dont think this is a thing in Australia but if it is It could defiantly be another option!


I am looking at externally as I still need to work to support myself and pay for the course ( I won't be able to put the fee's onto HEX (I think its called) until I become a citizen and have the certificate after the ceremony). Although with the help of my partner I can probably drop down to part time but due to living regional I would be 2 hours away from the uni.


Any advise or tips would be highly appreciated :)

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Guest The Pom Queen

There are such things as traineeships but I don't think they have them in social work but I could be wrong. Good luck with your studies, I know it sounds daunting but 4 years will pass very quick.

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Hi chlooe19


I qualified as a social worker coming up to 3 years ago in uk. I looked into options for training 'on the job' in uk and australia so still having a salary but couldn't find any, this may have changed in last couple of years though.

Unfortunately the social work degree is a big commitment as you affectively work full time on the placements but don't get paid! Most people on my course just worked evenings and weekends and then in holiday breaks to keep some money coming in.

Hopefully someone with up to date info will be along to advise you soon.

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Hi Chlooe 19

here in the Uk I know of people who work in social care related jobs such as a Child protection coordinator in a school /pastoral care officers and study for the degree partime which takes 4years. Others worked in a children's home which offered flexibility due to shif working patterns. I completed my 3 year full time degree working shifts in such a setting.

If working with adults is your goal then working in a home for the elderly could offer you experience, an income and flexibility to study too.

Good luck with your training

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