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Hi all....


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Hi all.


My partner is thinking that a move to Australia would be good for the pair of us as she already has one daughter living there, and close friends. The only trouble is that we would only be able to go on a skilled work visa through me, as my occupation is on the SOL (Solid Plasterer 333212).


Being self employed and with no formal qualifications in the trade (just 16 years of graft and experience) isn't looking good, though I guess, after having read through a few things, that that can be a hurdle easily climbed. The fees are daunting though, but I guess everything has got its price and there's a reason for it.


Anyway, my better half has told me I need to start saving as we are coming over for a holiday next year, both to see her daughter and to see if I like it.


Anyway, my head's spinning from searching for info so that's all from me for now. :)


Regards, Rhys

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Hi Rhys

Welcome to the forum.. Migrating is an expensive thing but as you say nothing is cheap now a days and you probably could spare an agents fee if you get to grips with exactly what is required.

Lots of luck for your holiday, have a great time and remember the skilled visa takes quite a while to process so it may be best to get the ball rolling asap.


Cal x

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You should get quite a lot of good advice on here so fire away with all your questions, most of us have been in your shoes at one point,lol... and i can tell you the cost and stress of migrating can be well worth it once your here and settled in.


Cal x

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