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relocate adelaide to queensland?


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Hello fellow poms,

Just wondering if anyone has moved from south aus to queensland? We have PR state sponsorship for SA and have been here for just over a year and a half now. I am a teacher and have really struggled to get work, there are no perm or long term posts here, people i know have been relief teaching for over 12 years and not been able to secure roles. I knew this before i left, but even supply work is thin on the ground. I like SA, i feel that i would still rather live here than in the UK for sure but i don't love it. I find the winters really hard to take, Mediterranean climate? Not in my opinion! I was prepared for chilly winters that lasted a couple of months, in my opinion it starts getting chilly in april/may and only really warms up enough to use the beach and ocean for actual swimming etc in november/december. I always envisioned being able to have a beach life for most of the year. On the flip side, i do feel it is a lovely place for young children (which we have) but i do wonder what entertainment there will be when they get older. We have been talking about moving to the sunshine coast or gold coast for a warmer year round climate ( i really do love being hot and cant bear the cold ) and possibly better options for me work wise and better options for our children later on in life. I don't want to be upping and moving the kids again when they are high school age so would rather do it in the next year or two rather than wait. We bought a house, which in hindsight, was not a great idea as it has lots of issues that need money to fix and I feel like if we had stayed renting, it would be easier to make plans. Adelaide has stuff going on but i do fee quite isolated here, even though you could drive to melbourne, it would still take 10 hours. I am rambling on a bit but i guess i am just wondering if anyone has made the move from adelaide to the east coast for similar reasons and how they have found it? Is it similar cost wise for houses, living etc? Are wages higher over there? My husband is a mechanic, are there jobs over there for him, what about teaching jobs? We like the look of the sunshine coast but would be open to other suggestions. We will be doing a reccie this winter to the gold and sunshine coast to see how we find it but would love to hear from anyone who lives in these areas and how they find it, especially if they can compare to adelaide.



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I love Adelaide and would have lived there if there was any work. Living in Brisbane and it is a great place weather wise if you can stand summer humidity which can be just as oppressive as the cold. Hubby is a teacher - managed to get a perm place after about 3 years here. He ticks most of boxes for shortages - science, maths,manual arts, IT, special needs.. Despite that, he is well aware of how lucky he is to have permanence - rare as hen's teeth with those lucky ones holding fast to their positions. Regional QLD another story though...

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Thanks for your reply, so permanent teaching posts are still hard to come by on that side, the problem I find here is that even relief work is quite thin on the ground. Are mechanics in demand on that side? Hubby is lucky to have his job here as think some mechanics have struggled to get work here as well. Some things to weigh up, including the cost I suppose.

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Teaching jobs, especially in the two areas you are looking at, are very difficult to come by. I have several friends who are teachers, only one of them is currently teaching. It took her over a year to secure that post. Out of the other three two have moved on to different careers now as after several years of trying one was unable to secure an on-going position and was constantly on temp contracts. The other was working out in the sticks, and after 5 years still couldn't get back into the city. The final one has taken a job to tide him over and is still searching.


In QLD there is a massive oversupply of teachers, there are several Uni's that produce newly qualified every year. These people are cheaper to employ, are often willing to go to the more difficult/less desirable places to get a foot in the door, and are offered positions from final year prac places - tried, tested, Aussie trained and cheaper.


Regarding the Sunshine Coast, if you are thinking of moving to give your children more to do when they are older, then the SC is not the place! The towns are mostly very tourist driven, can be very quiet in the winter months - certainly not a hive of activity. I have often gone on holiday to places up there and said to my husband what do the teenagers do! Gold Coast is marginally better, but still, depends where you go... crime can be worse down that way, especially around the Surfers Paradise area.


The warmer all year round climate is another tricky one as although the temperatures are hotter I have fully acclimatised - therefore I find the winter months cold, and you won't get me in the sea roughly during the time you mention! Even an outdoor pool would be a stretch... You get used to the temps, therefore winter is still winter - admittedly not as harsh as some other parts for sure. But its not shorts, t-shirts and thongs all year, I have a definite winter wardrobe.


That all being said, I do love Brisbane and it is my home. I wouldn't move anywhere else, but I wanted to mention those things as they seem to be base reasons for your move and it may be not much different from where you are. Maybe look at being more Brisbane focussed for your children and husbands work - it prob won't make too much difference to your predicament, but it does give more schools to have options with.

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Hi, we relocated from Adelaide to Brisbane in July/August last year (2015). We had been in Adelaide for 8.5 years but my husband had struggled to find permanent work there in the last couple of years. I was a teacher in the UK but haven't taught in Aus. I have worked in education but for a private company instead. Teaching jobs are in short supply in both SA and Qld. Adelaide was great while we were there but the winters seemed to get longer and colder and we were beginning to feel like we had exhausted places to visit there. There is so much more to see and do up here! We have two little boys and feel like we have made the right decision to move for their sake. The climate is great (although very humid at the moment). Brisbane city also feels more vibrant than Adelaide. We are based in the Brisbane northern suburbs but you have both the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast only an hour drive away each, and Byron Bay and Noosa are only a couple of hours away too. Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hello fellow poms,

Just wondering if anyone has moved from south aus to queensland? We have PR state sponsorship for SA and have been here for just over a year and a half now. I am a teacher and have really struggled to get work, there are no perm or long term posts here, people i know have been relief teaching for over 12 years and not been able to secure roles. I knew this before i left, but even supply work is thin on the ground. I like SA, i feel that i would still rather live here than in the UK for sure but i don't love it. I find the winters really hard to take, Mediterranean climate? Not in my opinion! I was prepared for chilly winters that lasted a couple of months, in my opinion it starts getting chilly in april/may and only really warms up enough to use the beach and ocean for actual swimming etc in november/december. I always envisioned being able to have a beach life for most of the year. On the flip side, i do feel it is a lovely place for young children (which we have) but i do wonder what entertainment there will be when they get older. We have been talking about moving to the sunshine coast or gold coast for a warmer year round climate ( i really do love being hot and cant bear the cold ) and possibly better options for me work wise and better options for our children later on in life. I don't want to be upping and moving the kids again when they are high school age so would rather do it in the next year or two rather than wait. We bought a house, which in hindsight, was not a great idea as it has lots of issues that need money to fix and I feel like if we had stayed renting, it would be easier to make plans. Adelaide has stuff going on but i do fee quite isolated here, even though you could drive to melbourne, it would still take 10 hours. I am rambling on a bit but i guess i am just wondering if anyone has made the move from adelaide to the east coast for similar reasons and how they have found it? Is it similar cost wise for houses, living etc? Are wages higher over there? My husband is a mechanic, are there jobs over there for him, what about teaching jobs? We like the look of the sunshine coast but would be open to other suggestions. We will be doing a reccie this winter to the gold and sunshine coast to see how we find it but would love to hear from anyone who lives in these areas and how they find it, especially if they can compare to adelaide.




I understand and agree with a lot of what you are saying.

Have been in Adelaide for nearly 9 years now and as time passes we have "need' to escape the Adelaide winters. All my ties are in Adelaide and I have a good life here but because of medical reason I am seriously looking at moving to Brisbane or Cairns for 5 months a year. I have traveled a fair bit and have just returned from Brisbane (2 weeks ago). What a livable place! Am not too sure whether the winter temperatures are warm enough though and may need to be further up...Cairns!

Decisions, decisions!

My partner has a chronic degenerative muscle condition and the winters cripple him.......and I fell like a newbie all over again...reading about suburbs, relocation stories etc!

It's a move we have to make.

I will be watching this space closely! :smile:

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