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Visa 189-190

Andrew Batten

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You can definitely do it all yourself - if it's straight forward there is no reason why not so long as you're good at following processes and form filling.


If there is anything out of the ordinary - children from a previous relationship, serious illness (past or present) or any complications in your education/career history then an agent may be worthwhile.


We had an agent as I think my OH & I would have ended up arguing about exactly what had to be done & he needed to do an RPL so the help there was invaluable.

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We are handling ours ourselves. So far so good. Got through the skills assessment, English test & state sponsorship so far. Just preparing to lodge the 190 (Gathering documents etc) hopefully submitting tomorrow.


I think as Lady Rainicorn said as long as your case is straightforward there is no reason why you cannot do the process yourself. Be prepared for a lot of reading and research though. Once you understand the process and in what order you need to do things you should be ok. Good luck

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We are handling ours ourselves. So far so good. Got through the skills assessment, English test & state sponsorship so far. Just preparing to lodge the 190 (Gathering documents etc) hopefully submitting tomorrow.


I think as Lady Rainicorn said as long as your case is straightforward there is no reason why you cannot do the process yourself. Be prepared for a lot of reading and research though. Once you understand the process and in what order you need to do things you should be ok. Good luck

Unless you are human... As humans make mistakes.. :yes:

I agree it can definitely be done, but for us it's so important to us that we would never risk leaving it to possible error by us.. . I've read of a few people making silly minor mistakes that have cost them dearly and it's heart breaking to read, I personally feel a good agent is worth every penny.. . But. We allow what we feel invest based on our situation and financial capacity aswell.

To us, the dream is too important to risk being left in our hands..


Read of loads that have successfully done it all by themselves too though, fair play to them :yes:

One bit of advice I'd give.....NEVER take anything said on a forum as Gospel.. I've been given misguided info before, unintentionally and offered in kindness. .. But wrong nevertheless... Always be the ruler of your own destiny, check check and triple check.

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Unless you are human... As humans make mistakes.. :yes:

I agree it can definitely be done, but for us it's so important to us that we would never risk leaving it to possible error by us.. . I've read of a few people making silly minor mistakes that have cost them dearly and it's heart breaking to read, I personally feel a good agent is worth every penny.. . But. We allow what we feel invest based on our situation and financial capacity aswell.

To us, the dream is too important to risk being left in our hands..


Read of loads that have successfully done it all by themselves too though, fair play to them :yes:

One bit of advice I'd give.....NEVER take anything said on a forum as Gospel.. I've been given misguided info before, unintentionally and offered in kindness. .. But wrong nevertheless... Always be the ruler of your own destiny, check check and triple check.


Totally agree with you. I don't think I have read and researched as much in my life. To be honest it is pretty nerve wracking going it alone for the very reasons you have said, but this is our only option im afraid.

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Totally agree with you. I don't think I have read and researched as much in my life. To be honest it is pretty nerve wracking going it alone for the very reasons you have said, but this is our only option im afraid.


Ahhhh yes I completely get it....I'm sure you'll be fine if you just do your research over and over again, and I wish you all the very best I know how stressful and nerve wracking and exciting it all is....and scary!! Xx

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