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Car seats


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Can those of you with babies/young children advise whether I can bring my car seats to Australia. I heard that UK ones don't meet the Australian standards and therefore in the event of an accident you wouldn't be insured? Are there any in the UK that are widely used in Aus as I will be buying one soon? Thanks for any advice.

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No. Aus standards are different as is testing/rating.


Lots of companies sell in UK and Aus so car seats are often similar but top tether is standard here so all car seats in Aus have them.


What size/height/age is your child?

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Nope, closed market! They may be similar but if they don't have the Aus tick stuck to them they are illegal, pure and simple. You might get lucky and be able to sell your UK ones to returnees (I bought a couple from departees for the grandkids) and do the opposite on the other side! I've known people to actually drive to the airport and dump the car seats! (Not too many but you never know!)

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