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Medicals for visa - weight


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We have our medicals on Saturday - my husband is a big guy, high BMI (42), not proud but taking steps to reduce it.


Health fine, except mild asthma (whole life) but controlled easily.


Blood pressure always high first couple of readings then calms down (white coat syndrome) - typically healthy and relatively fit. (He's 35).


Should we be worried about not passing medical?







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We have our medicals on Saturday - my husband is a big guy, high BMI (42), not proud but taking steps to reduce it.


Health fine, except mild asthma (whole life) but controlled easily.


Blood pressure always high first couple of readings then calms down (white coat syndrome) - typically healthy and relatively fit. (He's 35).


Should we be worried about not passing medical?







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These things are not normally a problem, however if they think that the weight may cause future issues that will cost the Australian Government in health care costs then they may take it to a medical panel for a decision.


Personally I can't see a problem and I know some very overweight migrants, so they must have got through it ok.

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They really don't look to fail you at all. I had my medical in December and we've just had our grant today and I have chron's disease and have had a colectomy so I have and will have a colostomy for the rest of my life and it wasn't as issue at all. The doctor said even if I was still suffering badly with the disease they would have just sent me away to have the operation and then redo the medical.


They will only fail a medical is they have reason to believe that you will be extremely likely to cost the government a significant amount in Medical care. I can't remember the actual figured but I think it's something like more than $32k per year or more than $250k in a ten year period. I really wouldn't worry about it but if you are worried consult a registered agent, we didn't use one for the entire process but used one from the EOI stage purely because I was concerned about things getting complicated with the medical but it was very straight forward and all I did was take a letter from my consultant stating I am in good health and that they don't see my illness being an issue in the future.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Chrisbridge80


Just saw your post re:Medicals-ours are looming and I am dreading it!!!! Lost a couple of stone,but still got BMI of around 35.

Just wondered how your husband went on,I also get anxiety high BP and suffer white coat syndrome,stressing hugely about the medical which is obviously not going to help BP reading on the day.


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33 minutes ago, Judan said:

Hi Chrisbridge80


Just saw your post re:Medicals-ours are looming and I am dreading it!!!! Lost a couple of stone,but still got BMI of around 35.

Just wondered how your husband went on,I also get anxiety high BP and suffer white coat syndrome,stressing hugely about the medical which is obviously not going to help BP reading on the day.


Try not to worry about it. Let them know you suffer the anxiety and give yourself time to focus and calm down during the tests. 

Iirc when I undertook my medical my doctor during our conversation said there was a cut off point where BMI being over a certain number meant it would be referred as a matter of course but that unless there were other health concerns or serious conditions alongside, that on its own it shouldn't be an issue. I've read of many people over the years with high BMI's passing their medical.

Try not to fret about it beforehand as the tests are all very simple and straightforward :) Nothing terrible or untoward. 



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Thank you Snifter, our immigration agent has highlighted me as the risk factor to my husband's boss, so at least it won't be a total shock should if I fail it. I personally would not be heartbroken if we could not stay here,but my husband is enjoying his job and I would feel guilty if he had to quit because of me. 

We had intended to go for PR July 2019,by which time I had hoped to lose a lot more weight,however the visa laws changed and it is literally now or never as my husband is over 45, so need to submit all PR documents etc by July. :S

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I hope it'll all be ok. If your BP is ok and general health has been decent and you've had no health issues that could cause them to flag as an issue I would hope it would be a positive outcome for you. 

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