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Moving to Perth May 2017 and have a bulldog


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We are bringing our 2 dogs with us but have only got quotations from Golden Arrow and pet air at the moment. One word of warning though at present there is only Air Canada?? who ship snub nose breeds, the other airlines refuse to fly then. Therefore it is likely to cost more. We have an American bulldog, I sent photos of her to pet air who forwarded them onto Quantas who then said they would fly her as her snout is quite long. Do you have a british bulldog? If so I expect you will encounter the same problem.

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Check out Pet Air and Golden Arrow.


Ensure you discuss the route and time of year flying a snub nosed breed. Certain times of year are not good or possible perhaps. Also routes will need to be considered with a bit more caution to heat in stop overs and for how long etc or if its a direct flight with just a refuel or some such.

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I am using Pet Air UK to take my dog back to Australia, he is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and classed as a snub nosed breed. I had a chat with my contact lady at Pet Air and she said Qantas have relaxed their rules about times of the year for shipping these dogs. Recommend give Pet Air a ring, they are helpful. Good luck.

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Yep, currently only QANTAS will fly snub nosed dogs. But the route is good as the plane touches down in Dubai and then off again.


Key things is to get the rabies work started nice and early so that your dog is not delayed and your dog needs to be lean rather than normal as this gets the fat out of their chest cavity and allows them to breath and lose heat better.

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