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Trades Work enquiry


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Hi All, Hubby is classed as multi-skilled trades man in the UK, however he's a qualified Painter and Decorator (apprentice) and a self taught plasterer (Over 15 years) we have run a very small family business and he sub-contracts as well.

What's the building work like in AUS and what areas are doing well? I'm in Adult Social Services and currently year one out of six (part time) of an OU degree. Hubby is 41. He won't take the IELTS as doesn't feel he'd get the 8/9 score needed, so we've got to go sponsor route.

Any suggestions/ideas would be great



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It is very hard for trades to gain sponsorship as most are self employed here and so not eligible.


Also, would you really want to come for a temporary period - sponsored visas are usually just temp visas for up to 4 years.


Many people find find islets daunting, but there are ways to revise for it.

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Hi, Thanks for the reply. Are you in Oz at the moment? I really didn't want to go down sponsor route but OH is dead against the IELTS route. Dyslexic and never given the opportunity to put it right when at school, so he suffers now. Quite happily price up a house for materials etc but not happy to write an English essay and the thought of failing isn't going down well. My only hope is a firm wants him and keeps him or I increase my degree to full-time and pass in the next 2 years

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Yes, I am in Australia and have been 8 years.


I can understand your husband. I am dyslexic as well.


All i I can say, is be very aware of what a 457 visa is. It is tied to the employer, so if he were to lose his job, he would only have 90 days to find another willing and able (many company's are not able) to sponsor, or you all leave the country. Add in that the oz economy is pretty shaky at the moment.


The partners of 457 holders can find it difficult to find work as they are only here temporary.


A number of of states charge temporary residents thousands of dollars per year for children's education.


There is is no automatic path to permanent residence.


If, taking all this into account, you still want to go down the 457 route, all he can do is apply for jobs.

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