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CO allocated. i inform abt wife pregnancy but CO is not responding. much much tension.


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im in a big tension. I got case officer allocated for my 489 visa on 27th nov. she request for medical and pcc for my wife n me. My wife is pregnant and could not undergo medical so imegiately,i respond to case officer and inform abour my change in circumstances. I ask to delay my process till baby birth.

Unfortunately no response cone from Co. Then i again send same email as reminder after 7 days and again no response. I dont knw why Co is not responding. My allocated 28 days are coming to end on 26 dec. Much much tension for me. Whether she got my request or not. I have submitted pcc. only wife medical is left. on forum ppl say thay co allow extension n.respond in 7 days.why not in my case. After 28 days she may take decision coz i hav not provided info.


Plz share ur exp. What i need to do now. Do i send form 1022 now or after babu birth. I want to include baby in application.

i have uploaded my n wife pcc on immi acount. Do i need to click "" information provided button"" on immi page. Since i hav not provided complet information thats why i do not press it. I waiting for co action. As i hav upfront inform them then why no response is coming.


Plz advice.

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. Does any one have gsm adelaide number? Plz tell me.

I got one from forum ############

but it is not working.


The 61 is the international dialling code for Australia. Before that is the number you have to dial to call outside your country. Are you sure it is 00? That does not look likely to be the correct number to me.

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