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Point Cook - Alamanda - SNAKES ???


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We migrated from Singapore to Melbourne last year. As I did not have enough time and started work in the CBD as soon as we arrived we rented an apartment in Port Melbourne. The rental is pretty high and the rooms are small. I have 3 kids who find it difficult to play around. As my job contract ended and I'm now working from home (Forex Trading) we are planning to move to a suburb that has new big houses and we shortlisted Point Cook. We went to Alamanda Estate and really liked the new houses, Alamanda K-9 College, Alamanda Club (free access to GYM, pool etc) and wanted to move there for the new year. However, I just happen to hear that point cook and few other western suburbs have lots of snakes and that information really scared us. Those snakes seem to be poisonous ones. When I researched more in the internet (see the links below), it does seem to be true. The only question is how life threatening is it. How does people move in there without worrying about the snakes ? Having come from Singapore, the concept of spotting snakes in a garden or garage or backyard is extremely scary for us that too poisonous snakes. Please help with your feedback as it would really help us deciding.





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Keep your back and front yards free of rubbish, timber, water and long grass and you will be fine.


Snakes are looking for shelter, food and water.


Deny all these and they will go elsewhere.





But, best laid plans always have exceptions.


You may see some, you may not.......

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  • 3 weeks later...

We've been living in Perth now for two year. Didn't see a snake the first 1.5 years. Lately we see to see one at every few weeks. Usually when we go walking around the shrubs near the beach. Lucky for us (and our dog :wideeyed:), they don't seem to be aggressive and either mind their own business or shy away.

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