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Perth schools - primary through to year 12?


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Please can you help me?


Are there any/many State or Private (not Catholic) schools that go from primary through to year 12, preferably co-ed too?


We are hoping to move to Perth in the UK summer of 2016. We have 3 children. Our eldest girl is 9 and would join year 5 in the UK in Sept2016. Middle girl will be 6 and due to join year 2 in Sept2016. Our youngest, a boy will be 4, almost 5 and due to start in reception - the first year of school in the UK in Sept2016.


I know in NSW the ages and school years coincide with the UK but I am unsure of the WA situation. There does not appear to be the breadth of choice as there is in Sydney, though this is the same between many major cities.


I have only just started investigating Perth schools. Our moving plans have changed from Sydney to Perth because hubby will need to travel a great deal to Asia so it makes sense. We swung by Perth last summer to activate our visas - a 2 day flying visit! I know a little of Perth of old having lived in Cottesloe for 8 months in 2002 - but it is a different city now - places and suburbs that were desert when I was living there!


We are flexible of location and have a healthy budget for renting/buying so schools really are the focus at the moment.


Any pointers gratefully received. Thank you

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In my experience (this is not in Perth btw) there are a few state schools from primary to Y12 but these are not the norm. Also while the HS side may be good, the primary side can be lacking or vice versa. I'd go for the schools that best suit and you feel are the best for your kids and if those are separate primary and HS then so be it.


Lots of private schools seem to have YrR-12. They are mostly faith based schools from what I have seen but of course, only a number are Catholic.


We have 2 yr R-12 state schools around here (sure there are more across the city but I'm talking in a local area to us), neither of them close enough for us to have to send ours to (HS and some PS zoning) as in other suburbs a 15-20 minute drive away. Neither of them are schools I'd willingly send mine to.


Here is the My Schools link. http://myschool.edu.au/ Has useful info. Just narrow down areas etc and you can read all about the schools. Don't base a good school on Naplan results though. IME some great schools are out there that don't fare as well in Naplan for whatever reason.

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