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RRV Subclass 155 Granted From UK Today Without Job Offer


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If anyone is interested and would like some hope I managed to apply from the UK for an RRV without a job offer and filled the application in myself online which was done in a day. I spent 8 months in Australia in 2010 and it is 5 years this November since I left Australia and my visa expired December 2014. If I can help anyone else with my experience of filling in a RRV application I will as I have shocked myself. It was granted today and it is for a year but only took 10 days to process. I know every case is different but if I can do it anyone can.

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Wrote about 2 A4 pages which I attached online basically explaining the moment we left to the present moment. I submitted application 3 days before it would have been 5 years since I left Australia but I gave compassionate reasons as well as substantial ties. I attached 16 documents altogether which I sweet talked a local solicitor who only charged £25 for all of them. My original PR visa expired December 2014.

The only substantial ties I talked about was my previous occupation in Australia and how it contributed to the community and enriched the lives of Australians and others (wording I read on an official document somewhere) and how I still work in the same occupation in the UK(Paramedic). I attached previous contract and recent emails where I had contacted my previous employer about the possibility of coming back and reapplying, but no firm job offer or contract. I showed document with Q Super pension and Westpac bank account with small amount of funds in both and a PAYG summary from 2010.

I stated that we made a decision as a family to return to the UK after 8 months because my son who was 17 at the time was unhappy and homesick. I made the point he is self sufficient now and in hindsight he wish he had stayed.

The reason I gave why it has taken so long to return is that we focused on our son getting back into education or training as he never sat his GCSE,s because we had to leave initially within 3 months for my job. My daughter then began her preparation for her GCSE,s and we didn't want to disrupt that because of what happened to my son. I made contact with my previous employer back at the beginning of 2014 but they were slow in their process and there was no concrete opportunities.My daughter then began her A Levels September 2014, which I attached proof of, and is in her last year finishing summer 2016 so I did not want to disrupt that.

A bit long winded but that was basically it and still no opportunities with my previous employer (not that keen doing the same job again anyway) so never had a job offer.

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