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Residency Return Visa


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I was wondering about the residency return visa. Been in Sydney a month looking for work and beginning to have doubts. So just looking at Plan B. If you don't meet the 2 year rule as a permanent resident - but are in the country before the 5 years expires - you can qualify for a one year RRV - what does this allow you to do ? Travel overseas and return with that year time frame? at which point you would probably have to stay in Australia for a period of 4 years for Citizenship?



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Hi Howard

I cant really help with the visa rules as i have never needed a RRV but if you have only been job seeking a month ,id hang in there for a few more weeks if you can. The aussies can be slack and waiting a few weeks for a response isn't unheard of.

Lots of luck and i hope you find something


Cal x

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I was wondering about the residency return visa. Been in Sydney a month looking for work and beginning to have doubts. So just looking at Plan B. If you don't meet the 2 year rule as a permanent resident - but are in the country before the 5 years expires - you can qualify for a one year RRV - what does this allow you to do ? Travel overseas and return with that year time frame? at which point you would probably have to stay in Australia for a period of 4 years for Citizenship?




No if you returned during the validity of your one year RRV you'd only have to wait until you spent 2 years in Australia (includes any period before or since your previous RRV was issued provided they were within the last 5 years) and then you'd be able to get a 5 year RRV. That would allow you to travel overseas for almost 5 years provided you returned while it was still valid - but you'd then have to wait another 2 years to qualify for a new RRV.


On top of that you wouldn't have to wait 4 years for Citizenship - it's 3 years at most. You only have to be in Australia for 3 out of the previous 4 years to pass the residency test for citizenship so the one year out of the country on your RRV would still count towards the 4 year as would the period in Australia before jetting off (as would up to 12 months of the period between your first visit to visa Australia and moving to Australia). E.g. Activate visa by a quick visit in June 2011. Move to Australia 1st October 2015 leave Australia on RRV on 1st January 2016 and return on 1st October 2016. If then remained in Australia would be eligible to apply for citizenship on 1st July 2019 (i.e. only 33 months after returning as the 4 year period would run from 1st July 2015). If didn't take the 9 month RRV trip in this example would of course qualify for citizenship 9 months earlier as the 4 year period would run from 1st October 2014 even though not in Australia for the entire 1st year.


RRVs are processed very quickly (the 5 year ones within hours - the shorter period ones take a few days as they have to look at your connection to Australia to see if you're eligible) so don't worry about getting one just because the travel period on your visa has expired you can get it when you need it.

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Yeah I am a little impatient but it does get quite from the beginning of December to end of January. I have enough for the summer but was just thinking what if ? and I worked it out - I can come and go right up till the time my visa ends at the 5 years after this point I can would have to stay presumably for 4 years and Citizenship or if I have lived in Oz for more than a day and can prove ties I can qualify for a one rrv which would allow me to travel in and out for another year



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Thanks Ken for all the info



Your welcome. Something I should mention though is that while you only have to wait 3 years not 4 to apply for citizenship (and the time in Oz from all those trips back and forth you mention will count) that's only the wait until you can apply! It only takes about 6 weeks from there to get approved for citizenship (including taking the citizenship test which is almost impossible to fail yet 1.9% of people - mostly from non-English speaking backgrounds - do manage to do just that) but the long wait is for the citizenship ceremony. Most (but not all) are within 6 months. They'll notify you 28 days before the ceremony but other than that it's impossible to plan. You then have to apply for an Australian passport before you can travel as Australian citizens are not allowed to use their foreign passports for exiting or entering Australia (I don't have the wait time for a passport as I'm still waiting for the ceremony). All of this will definitely add many months to the time taken so you'll almost be back to 4 years!

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