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Soccer Mornington


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Hi Paul - I don't play soccer myself anymore (sadly my ageing bones won't allow it!!) but I think you have more chance down the road in Mornington that you do here in Mt Eliza. There are 11-aside teams that play at the Dallas Brooks Park in Mornington (sandwiched between Watt Rd and the Mornington-Tyabb Rd). Might be best to call in there and see if there is a noticeboard or anyone to ask directly etc. Hope you find something

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We play a social competitive game every Thursday at Kingston Heath Soccer Complex in Cheltenham.

I'd say it's around a 30 minute drive for you but I can guarantee you'll enjoy it.

Age range is 25 - 45, bibs, balls etc provided.

Great bunch of lads. If you're on Facebook you can join our group here.




If you're not on Facebook send me a PM if you fancy it.

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