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PLEASE HELP. Metal fabricator assesment


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I am aware this topic has been posted before but im just looking for some guidance and advice.


I am current in Australia on a WHV with my girlfriend.


I have a level 3 advanced apprenticeship in fabrications and welding. I am currently 24 with 6-7 year on and off in the trade. I done a 4 year apprenticeship on a ship yard which was heavy plate and i haven't done much thin plate at all, i also haven't done any tig welding just MMA and MIG.


We really dont want to go home so i am looking at doing the technical interview here in melbourne.


Could somebody please help me with what may be asked? Iv have read they may ask me about pattern development which i haven't done since i left college at 17.


I am soooo nervous about this

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Hi Jamie,

Just wanted to let you know that my boyfriend has just completed a technical interview with Victoria University on Monday just passed in London via Skype. He too has the same City and Quilds Level 3 and did a Modern Apprenticeship. He went for First Class welder after a bit of a debate as he felt he was more suited to that! I'm not sure what you'll be asked with regards to questions but he just told me to let you know that if its your trade, you'll fly through it! The accessor was great, it was more of an informal chat and it was just to ensure he was in fact what he claimed to be. He asked a question regarding something my partner didn't have a lot of practice in and when he explained the accessor moved onto another area. Just try to be yourself and be honest and you'll be fine. We received confirmation of a positive skill assessment from Victoria University yesterday morning :)


Also, its questions based around what you have selected to have experience in on your Trade set.. Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I did my Metal Fabricator tech. interview 3 weeks ago, I have an NVQ level 3 fab weld with almost 9 years experience. Vetassess will require you to do a TradeSET report which is basically a checklist of skills you are capable/not capable of. 'Perform Geometric Development' is one the skills, if you feel you can't do it then don't tick it, the assessor may ask you about it anyway but if you can't answer his questions you wont get that skill on your final certificate. I was asked "Name 2 types of ways you can develop a pattern, for example how would you develop a cone"...which is radial line development and triangulation. That was the only question I was asked about geo. development so there's no need to sweat over it.


Other question types were based around setting up and shutting down welding plants for different materials, so revise your gas flows and polarity's and tungsten types. Safely setting up burning gear, machinery ect . I will say you should really emphasise on safety as this is an important aspect in our trade as you probably know. You'll get asked questions solely about safety aswell. He showed me a drawing of a dust pan and basically asked questions like how much material would I need to make it, what size sheet would I need to make 5 of the dustpans, how would you weld it together (welding symbol on drawing).


I was incredibly nervous about my interview and still worried until I got my outcome certificate, which came in the post about 30 minutes ago :smile:....... If I could give you any advice I'd just say do your revision on all of the skills you tick on your TradeSET report. It's not as difficult as you probably think



Hope this helps

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