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About to start backpacking. Flying from Sydney to Cairns and then making my way back down again


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Hi everyone. I have just joined this site. I arrived from the UK last week on my own but have relatives here who I have been staying with about an hour out of Sydney. I am here on a working holiday visa. I am planning to start travelling next week. I'm thinking of taking a flight up to Cairns and then make my way back down to Sydney before Christmas. I have never backpacked or stayed in a hostel before and it is my first time in Oz.

Was looking for any advice or suggestions for my trip. I am currently looking into getting a Greyhound hop on hop off ticket. Also seen hostel packages with Nomads and Base - any good?? Any to avoid?


I'd like to keep things flexible so I can change what I'm doing if I don't like something.


Anyone else about to embark on the same trip?!



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